Extension Peanut Butter Drive a Success

175 jars of peanut butter were collected by the Jackson County Extension Service to donate to the Chipola Ministry Center.

175 Jars of Peanut Butter Collected in Jackson County

Thanks to everyone who donated peanut butter to the food drive sponsored by the Extension Service that concluded with the Farm City Day Celebration. Our 4-H Clubs, Master Gardeners and the folks who attended the Farm City Breakfast donated 175 jars of Peanut Butter. All of the Peanut Butter collected in Jackson County went to the Chipola Ministry Center, and they were very appreciative of the donation. The Ministry Center provides food boxes to over 500 families in need once per month.

This was a project being carried out all across the Panhandle. In total, County Extension Offices collected 2039 jars of peanut butter. The Florida Peanut Producers joined the effort as well, donating a pallet, or 1400 jars of peanut butter. All of the Peanut Butter was donated to local food pantries in each participating County. When we all work together we can truly “Take a bite out of HUNGER!”


Extension Offices across the Panhandle collected Peanut Butter to donate to their local food pantries.


Posted: November 20, 2012

Category: Farm Management
Tags: Food Drive, Peanut Butter

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