New 4-H Robotics Club

Lego RoboticsThe Jackson County 4-H Program is sponsoring a new robotics club through a grant received from Lockheed Martin. We have some awesome volunteers spearheading this program (one of whom is an engineer), and they have some great ideas.

Youth participating in this club will:

1. Design and program a robot.

2. Use skills in engineering design, and research and development to program a robot to accomplish a specific task.

3. Practice the life skills of critical thinking, decision making and communications.

4. Engage youth to in exploring and gaining new skills, then applying these skills using Lego kits.

This club is open to ages 5-18. Ages 8-18 will be eligible to participate in competitions with their completed designs.

If you would like to join this club, or if you have further questions, please call the office at 850-482-9620 and speak with Angel Granger or Patti Peacock.


Posted: October 3, 2013

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers

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