Florida Sea Grant What are Microplastics Infographic

The purpose of the What are Microplastics? infographic is to show audiences what microplastics are, how small they are, where they come from and what steps individuals can take to reduce them in the environment. It describes steps that individuals can do to help reduce their microplastic footprint and provides samples of everyday items we use that can eventually create microplastics. Additionally, we’ve provided a scale to show just how small these microplastics are, less than 5mm!

If you are interested in sharing this information with your local audiences, you can find it on the UF/IFAS Branding infographics webpage https://branding.ifas.ufl.edu/infographics/ under the Natural Resources/Water topic.


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Posted: June 30, 2021

Category: UF/IFAS Graphics
Tags: Extension, Florida Sea Grant, Infographic, Microplastics

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