YouTube Channel “UF/IFAS Social” As a Video Resource

Working on a UF/IFAS blog post and looking for some video content to help support your blog message? Then look no further than UF IFAS Social. This YouTube video channel is managed and curated by IFAS Communications Video and contains a plethora of video content. Many of the channel’s videos are short comments from UF/IFAS specialists and experts speaking on topic areas. These range from lawn care advice, food information, invasive species and many more. Originally, these video clips were used to supplement news and social media posts that went directly to media providers but they can certainly be used to supplement a UF/IFAS blog.

For example, let’s say you’re working on a blog on lawn care. And you’re thinking it’d be good to have a UF/IFAS expert comment one of the topic areas covered in your blog, like mowing height. So your blog may include something like: One question that many new home owners tend to ask “Is how low should I mow my lawn?” UF/IFAS Turfgrass Specialist Dr. Jason Kruse provides some expert advice on how to avoid scalping your yard:

Or perhaps your blog could be on nutritious vegetables for the family meal. So you might consider something like: There are several nutritious vegetables available to the family meal. UF/IFAS EFNEP Nutrition Educator Dr. Sharon Austin says you can’t go wrong with the sweet potato:

As you can hopefully see, this channel offers quite a few options. Even a short, on-camera comment from a UF/IFAS expert can likely enhance a blog and it’s our suggestion that the UF IFAS Social channel could be a viable resource to UF/IFAS blog writers!


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Posted: May 20, 2022

Category: UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Video
Tags: Video Blog Video

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