TERMINALFOUR (T4) Tip 33: Breaking Up Web Content

Intended Audience: Contributors and Moderators

TIP: Organized display keeps web users engaged and makes web content easier to find

Explanation: Eye-tracking studies prove that when people visit web pages, rather than read all of the text displayed, they instead scan web content to quickly locate the information they are seeking. You can assist in this goal by presenting clean and well-organized web content.

This post is one example. The title is a Heading 2 (h2) and the tip sentence is a Heading 3 (h3). The text you’re currently reading is paragraph text (coded using a < p > tag).

Beyond headings, there are other ways to break up text and make web content easier to navigate. That includes the use of bullet lists. This option:

  • organizes distinct ideas in a section
  • helps format the entire web content when ideas are presented in a sequence
  • draws the eye to important web content you wish to highlight

In addition, it’s best to write web content with short sentences and paragraphs. This makes the text easier to read and understand. Check this space often to learn more about web writing best practices and general t4 web publishing tips.

As always, be sure to preview your web pages before publishing to ensure content displays correctly. Adjust as necessary.


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Posted: April 23, 2020

Category: UF/IFAS Webteam, WCMS Updates

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