Update on IFAS T4 Conversion

Update on IFAS T4 Conversion

As you know, training has been offered by UFIT for the T4 conversion. You are most welcome and encouraged to enroll in this training now.

But I want to assure web managers across UF/IFAS that IFAS Communications is working with UFIT to ensure that additional training sessions also be available for IFAS web managers closer to the time that they will actually be converting their website. Many IFAS sites will not be converted until later this fall, so you will not be able to apply this training immediately if you take the training as soon as it is available from UF. We are inquiring as to future training dates so you can plan appropriately. But you might want to take the training now to introduce yourself to T4 AND take the training again closer to the time your website will be converted.

Also, UF/IFAS Extension sites will not be converting until early 2015 at the earliest so we are planning on providing additional T4 training closer to the actual date of converting.

Reminder: An update meeting about the IFAS conversion to T4 is planned for August 14 at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. [or whenever we complete the q and a session] at the Straughn Professional Development Center. If you have specific questions that you would like answered during this meeting please email them to the IFAS web tem at webteam@ifas.ufl.edu.

We will provide a summary of the meeting to our colleagues across the state.


Thank you


Ruth Borger

352-392-2411 Ext. 43329




TERMINALFOUR – Web Content Management System Training

Work is underway to transition university websites into TERMINALFOUR , UF’s new Web Content Management System.

UFIT is offering two training courses, one for Webmasters (highly technical end-users) and one for IT and Administrative Staff (less technical end-users). Anyone wishing to use the new system is required to complete a training course before gaining access to TERMINALFOUR. Registration for training is now open, with courses available in mid-August. To register for either course, visit: http://webservices.it.ufl.edu/contact/terminalfour-enrollment.

UF Web Services has posted a TERMINALFOUR FAQ. If you have questions about training enrollment, please email the Web Services group.


Posted: August 4, 2014

Category: UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Webteam, WCMS Updates

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