UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener’s Garden Calendar and Journal
Designed by Stacey Jones • Written by Wendy Wilbur, Susan Schaeffer and Brenda Campbell
Project Details
Purpose (goals, objectives, need)
The goal of the UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener’s Garden Calendar and Journal is to inform people of what to do, when, in their home gardens, and to assist them in choosing their plants. It allows them to keep track also of successes, challenges, questions and curiosities, as well as how the weather and timing impact their results. The publication is packed with information that may be relevant, from websites to check for more information or supplies, to local farmers’ markets to visit or sell at.
Marketing/promotion (describe important elements)
So far, we have marketed the UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener’s Calendar and Journal internally at the UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County office with a poster detailing information, as well as on displays at home shows, and at local Spring Garden Festivals. This publication is moving fast, and similar publications for other areas of the state are in consideration already.
Other information
For the sake of keeping costs low, the inside portion was designed for black and white printing, allowing the books to be sold inexpensively to gardeners on any budget. Five hundred copies have been printed to date, at a cost of $1892.