Have you enrolled your child in 4-H this year? Are you curious about what Holmes County 4-H has to offer? Was your child a 4-H member last year but has yet to re-enroll for the new 4-H year this year? Not sure how to start? Well, 4-H enrollment is easy and it is going on now! Just read the information below so you are aware of some new changes in the 4-H enrollment process! Remember that all youth must complete a new enrollment process every year so if you have not done so, there is always time! But first, let’s review what 4-H is all about…
4-H is a youth development program that creates positive change in youth ages 5-18 in youth, their families and communities. We offer a variety of educational activities for young people in the areas of leadership, communication, citizenship, and life skills. Through the use of positive adult role models from our own local communities, we use a learn-by-doing approach to teach fun and engaging activities in areas such as science and technology, shooting sports (archery and shotgun), animal science, so much more! Florida 4-H also accesses the expertise and resources of the University of Florida and a nationwide network of Cooperative Extension Service faculty and staff to support their local volunteers, parents, and 4-H families in order to achieve its mission to “make the best better.”

Source: Smather’s Archives.
UF/IFAS File Photo
Florida 4-H began its rich history in 1909 when boys participated in corn clubs and girls started tomato clubs as a means to establish alternative ways to educate youth and their families on alternative practices for farming and agricultural practices in research and extension through the state’s land-grant institutions. 4-H club type programs were also established in north Florida, including Suwannee, Columbia, Madison and Gadsden counties during this time. Then, in 1926, our legendary Camp Timpoochee, in Niceville, FL, was established in Northwest Florida, making it one of the first residential 4-H camps in the entire country!
With so many great years of 4-H behind us, it is time to make sure that you and your family are going to spend the 2017-2018 4-H year with us so you don’t miss out! Here is how to check to make sure that your child is enrolled in Holmes County 4-H today!
How to Join Holmes County 4-H
Enrolling is easy! You may enroll online, visit the Holmes County 4-H Office, or you may use the paper forms and return it to the Holmes County 4-H Office. Remember that you must be enrolled in 4-H to participate in club meetings, shooting sports such as archery, attend Camp Timpoochee, and/or participate in Summer Day Days.
Membership Guidelines
4-H Age Divisions:
Cloverbud: Ages 5-7
Junior 4-Her: Ages 8-10
Intermediate 4-Her: Ages 11-13
Senior 4-Her: Ages 14-18
- Membership Ages: 5-18 years old, determined as of September 1, 2017, or grades K-12.
- Ages 5-7 may enroll only in the United Clovers 4-H Club or projects designated for their age.
- Membership is open to all youth regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, handicap, or geographic location within Holmes County.
- A $20.00 annual membership fee is required for all community club members ages 8-18. Membership fees do not apply to youth ages 5-7 (Cloverbuds), members other than community club members, short-term members, volunteers, or adults. Please see Membership Fee Information below.
- There are no ownership requirements (such as a horse, steer, sewing machine, etc.) to belong to a club or enroll in a 4-H project.
- Members are expected but not required to participate in monthly club meetings.
- A member cannot be enrolled in the same project or event in more than one county.
Membership Fee
- You will enroll your youth in Holmes County 4-H visiting the 4-H Online website as per the instructions below or by application you can download on our website or pick up at the 4-H Office.
- If you enroll online, you should expect an email with a link to an e-commerce online storefront where the membership fee can be paid using a debit or credit card.
- If you enroll by a paper application, you will pay Florida 4-H directly by check made out to the University of Florida or you can still visit the Florida 4-H website link to an e-commerce online storefront where the membership fee can be paid using a debit or credit card.
- Please note that according to Florida 4-H policy, youth (ages 8-18) are not considered official 4-H Members until their annual membership fee has been paid for the year.
- If a membership fee is a barrier for any youth to join 4-H, please contact your local county 4-H Agent. Holmes County 4-H will never exclude a youth from 4-H for inability to pay. We will work to find a financial solution as needed.
Social Media
Find us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/ufifasholmes4h
3 Ways to Join:
Enroll online. See the instructions below for details:
- Go to https://florida.4honline.com
- If you’re a new 4-H’er, click “I need to setup a profile” and follow the instructions provided.
- If you are already in 4-H, click “I have a profile.”
- Enter parent’s email address and password. (If you forgot your password, click “I forgot my password.”)
- Choose Role: Family
- Click enroll 2017-2018
- Update allof your contact information and medical records.
- Change the date on your health form approval to 2017.
- Make changes to clubs and projects if needed.
- Follow the instructions to the link to pay the annual membership fee for your youth.
- If you need any help, please contact Niki Crawson, Holmes County Agent at ncrawson@ufl.edu or (850) 547-1108.
Visit Us at the Holmes County Extension Office:
1169 East Highway 90
Bonifay, Florida
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM until 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM
Paper Applications:
Complete a FL 4-H Enrollment Form, FL 4-H Participation Form, and pay the 4-H membership fee. Forms can be downloaded from our website at holmes.ifas.ufl.edu and can also be requested through the Holmes County 4-H Office.
If you enroll via paper application, submit forms to the Holmes County 4-H Office. You can mail, fax, or stop by the 4-H Office.