15-Week America Save$ Challenge

FloridaSaves_header-1Get involved in the 2016
15-Week America Save$ Challenge

Turn your money goals and dreams into reality!

What the Challenge Is All About

  1. Enroll in 15-Week America Save$ Challenge
  2. Enroll in America Save$
  3. Receive motivational messages along with America Save$ materials via email
  4. Self-report weekly savings via spreadsheet
  5. Save enough money to reach short-term tangible savings goal
  6. Complete post-Challenge survey
  7. Submit photo (include) yourself, cash saved, and completed “I Saved For…” sign)

How Do I Take the Challenge?

  1. Register online at http://bit.ly/15WeekMoneyReg, You will be asked to provide four pieces of information: your name, e-mail address, state of residence, and the dollar amount that you plan to save.
  2. Set a personal savings goal and decide which 15-Week America Save$ Challenge you will participate in: Basic or Hardcore. See tracking sheets below for details.
    1. The “Basic” Challenge includes five weeks of $10 savings, five weeks of $20 savings, and five weeks of $30 savings, resulting in a total accumulation of $300.
    2. The “Hard Core” Challenge starts with a $10 weekly deposit and ramps up the savings deposit by $5 per week for a final deposit of $80, resulting in a total accumulation of $675.
  3. Keep track of your weekly savings on the tracking form (spreadsheet) that you will be sent before the Challenge begins. You also will be sent a weekly e-mail with motivational messages. Note: *The dollar amounts on the spreadsheet are a guideline; participants can save more or less, as desired.
  4. At the end of the Challenge, e-mail a copy of your completed spreadsheet and a photo of you holding your savings and a sign that describes what you saved for. Specific instructions will be provided.
  5. Persons completing the four steps described above will be entered into a drawing to win three gift cards worth $200, $150, and $100.
  6. Challenge winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the week of June 6, 2016.

For more information, contact Elaine Courtney.

Registration: http://bit.ly/15WeekMoneyReg

Additional materials:
Basic Tracking sheet: Basic 15-Week America Saves Challenge
Hardcore Tracking sheet: Hardcore 15-Week America Saves Challenge
I’m Saving For – Flyer: Taking the Challenge and Saving For
I Saved For – Flyer: I saved for
SaveIt App Directions: SaveIt! App Dissemination Guide



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Posted: February 22, 2016

Category: WORK & LIFE
Tags: 15-Week America Saves Challenge, America Saves, Debt Reduction, Family And Consumer Sciences, Florida Saves, Money Management, Savings

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