Join Us for Our Holmes County 4-H Open House

INVITATION Holmes County Open House



The Holmes County 4-H Program through the University of Florida IFAS Extension – Holmes County Extension Office will hold a 4-H Open House on Tuesday evening, October 9, 2012 from 5:30 PM until 7:00 PM at the Holmes County Extension Office (Holmes County Ag Center – Side Entrance)! This event is FREE and open to all Holmes County youth ages 5-18 and their families that are interested in joining 4-H, as well as individuals interested in volunteering in the program.

The new Holmes County 4-H Agent, Niki Crawson, will be available during this event for questions, suggestions, and to get feedback from local youth and parents on what they would like the local 4-H program to explore for the 2012-2013 4-H Program Year. A variety of hands-on activities and demonstrations of past events and activities will be set up for youth to explore. In addition, youth and volunteers will be able to enroll/re-enroll in the 4-H community through online enrollment assistance during the Open House.

4-H programming offers more than just animals and barns. A variety of fun, educational, social, and engaging activities are offered through Holmes County 4-H such as shooting sports (archery), science and technology, sewing, and cooking! This year, the Holmes County 4-H is very excited to introduce SeaPerch, an innovative underwater robotics program that allows youth to learn to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Youth can build a ROV from a kit comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts, following a curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. It is fun, challenging, and inspires youth to utilize teamwork and creativity to problem-solve. Interested in learning more about SeaPerch? Great, because the Holmes County 4-H is currently looking for youth and adults to assist in this new program!

Curious about what Holmes County 4-H has to offer? Want to meet the new 4-H Agent from Holmes County? Do you have questions about 4-H Camp Timpoochee? Adults—have you ever thought about volunteering with a community organization but don’t know what will work for your schedule? Then drop by the Holmes County Ag Center on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 anytime between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM to get involved! There is no obligation to join 4-H but Holmes County 4-H is so sure you will love 4-H that you will want to join the 4-H family immediately!

4-H is a community of young people ages 5-18 across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H programs are available to young people in all 50 states, U.S. territories and U.S. military installations worldwide, regardless of gender, race, creed, color, religion, or disability. For more information on 4-H programming in Holmes County, contact Niki Crawson at 547-1108 or .


Posted: October 2, 2012

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: 4-H Youth Development

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