Green Industries Best Management Practices Certification aka Fertilizer License Training

Click here to register for GI-BMP Certification training at UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County.

GI-BMP Certification (Green Industries Best Management Practices) is required in Florida to obtain an FDACS Limited Urban Fertilizer Certification (LUF license). These certifications are required for all “for hire” individuals that apply fertilizer to urban properties.

Florida Statute Section 482.1562 states “any person applying commercial fertilizer to an urban landscape must be certified under this section”.

Counties may apply stricter standards as does Hillsborough County Ordinance 21-42 which states: “All commercial fertilizer applicators and their supervisors, as well as government and institutional applicators and supervisors performing fertilizer application shall obtain a limited certification for urban landscape fertilizer application from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to Section 482.1562 Florida Statutes”.

The process of obtaining the LUF license can be confusing as there are multiple steps:

  1. Attend a GI-BMP Certification training class.
  2. Score a minimum of 75% on the post-test.
  3. You will receive a GI-BMP Certificate of Training with a certificate number.
  4. Complete the FDACS online LUF application. You will need your GI-BMP Certificate number.
  5. Pay the $25 fee.
  6. In Hillsborough County, you  need to obtain a vehicle decal from the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission by submitting a vehicle decal application and copy of your GI-BMP training certificate.
  7. The license renews every 4 years with 4 continuing education units (CEUs): 2 Core and 2 LUF.

If you are in another county, you may search for local classes at the UF/IFAS FFL website.

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Posted: September 5, 2024

Category: Home Management, Horticulture, Lawn, Professional Development, Turf, UF/IFAS Teaching, Water
Tags: Fertilizer, Fertilizer Applicator, Fertilizer License, GI-BMP, GI-BMP Certification, Landscape, Nutrition, ProHort, SWProHort

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