4 Session Webinar Series: Will You Be Ready for Retirement?

Will You Be Ready for Retirement? 4-session webinar series
University of Florida IFAS Extension is partnering with the Financial Planning Association of Central Florida to provide this series. This webinar series will be especially helpful for people 10 years or less from retirement. All sessions, 12:00 pm – 1:00pm EST
July 21 Session 1: How Much Will I Need?
July 28, Session 2: Choosing When to Receive Social Security Retirement Benefits
August 4, Session 3: Considerations for Asset Usage in Retirement
August 11, Session 4: Choosing Financial Professionals & Services
Approved for 4.0 CEUs by the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education® for AFC® professionals.
Registration for all 4 sessions https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/919023910586192130


Posted: June 30, 2021

Category: Money Matters
Tags: Personal Finance Webinars, Retirement, Retirement Planning