County Events Day, a 4-H tradition
Since the formation of 4-H clubs in 1902, youth have taken pride in demonstrating their new knowledge and skills. Boys demonstrated emerging agriculture technology with corn and girls demonstrated tomato canning and food preservation techniques. More recently, additional opportunities have been added for youth to showcase their projects. Through demonstrations and sharing information, youth are able to further develop life skills such as public speaking, self-esteem, planning/organizing, and learning to learn. County Events Day presently, provides 4-H’ers the opportunity for public speaking, presenting demonstrations and illustrated talks, photography and graphic arts submissions, and fashion review. Youth can even display their expressive arts (instrumental, vocal, dance, and drama) during Share-the-fun.
Hillsborough 4-H County Events Day will be held Saturday, March 31st, 2018.
Hillsborough County 4-H members of all ages are encouraged to participate. Even Clover buds (5-7 y/o) can participate, learn about the process of presenting, and receive positive feedback. Youth (ages 8-18) are judged within their category and age division. At the end of the event, certificates and awards are presented for all entries. Blue ribbon winners have the opportunity to share their presentations at the District IX Events Day. Senior aged 4-H’ers (14-18) who win their category at District Events then move on to the State competition held during 4-H University.
Registration is open for County Events through 4honline
To receive the information packet for County Events Day registration, be a judge for County Events, or for more information on our 4-H program, please email Brandi Yancy, Hillsborough County 4-H Youth Development Agent.