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Four edible perennials you can plant in your yard

Cultivating a Food Forest in Your Yard

May 29, 2024

To grow your food is to know your food Step outside your door and gather the ingredients for a salad or pick some fruit for breakfast. It wasn't so long ago that people lived that way and grew much of what they ate. With the convenience of ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Agriculture, Classes, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Food Forest, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardener Volunteers, Permaculture, UF/IFAS Extension, Vegetables
Lots of red tomatoes

Time to prep for your fall Florida garden

July 14, 2022

Time to garden! With food prices climbing toward the sky it may be time to consider pulling that brown thumb out of your pocket and adding a little green paint to it.  Growing a garden can be a humbling experience, especially in Florida, but ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Classes, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardener Volunteers, Tomatoes, Vegetables
A teapot with rabbits sits amonst different herb aplands and next to a tiny maroon teacup.

Why not make it a tea garden?

May 27, 2022

Southerners and sweet tea When I was a child, we drank sweet tea. I didn't really know where it came from, but it was sweet and that suited me just fine. Later, I discovered tea was from the leaf of a plant. I had heard about tea leaves, and ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Health & Nutrition, Horticulture,
Tags: Agriculture, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardener Volunteers, UF/IFAS Extension

Incredible Edible Landscaping

May 19, 2022

Food for the taking Have you ever eaten a pine tree? Many parts are edible. Those supposedly were the famous words of world-renowned food forager, Euell Gibbons, on a grape-nuts commercial in the ’70s. Not many of us would be interested in ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Agriculture, Classes, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardener Volunteers, UF/IFAS Extension, Vegetable
Growing food in your landscaping

Growing food in your landscape

February 25, 2021

Don't go hungry Food glorious food. It grows on trees. Really, also on bushes and shrubs and even ground covers. Going hungry doesn't seem like an option when you can grow food. Growing food in your yard seems easy enough. You'd be crazy not ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Agriculture, Edible Landscaping, Edibles, Food Forest, Gardening, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardener, Master Gardeners, Permaculture
Close up of color fruits and vegetables

Don’t forget to eat your vegetables.

December 27, 2019

Your parents were right Your parents probably told you to eat your vegetables. Over and over again. You knew they were right, and hopefully you came to love them. Vegetables that is, I'm sure you love your parents too. It's true, vegetables ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Agriculture, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Master Gardeners, Vegetable, Vegetables
Worker Honey bee feeds on pink salvia flower

Beekeeping, not just a hobby.

August 27, 2019

The incredible honey bee There is nothing quite like a the honey bee. They are one of natures great pollinators. While doing that job they store wonderful honey. They also store pollen, form propolis and they produce something called royal ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Agriculture, Bees, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Hometown Gardener, Honey, Honeybees, Insects, Pollination, Pollinator Plants, Vegetable
Worker Honey bee feeds on pink salvia flower

Honey Bees, are in the air!

April 2, 2019

The business of bees Honey Bees are everywhere in Highlands County. It's that time of year when the bees are busy making honey. Because Highlands County produces so much citrus and citrus produces a heavy nectar flow, the beekeepers come with ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Horticulture, Livestock, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Agriculture, Citrus, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Honey, Insects, Pollination
Lots of red tomatoes

Winter’s great for planting tomatoes

December 21, 2018

A growing mecca Some northerners, (from Georgia north!) don't understand Florida's vegetable growing season. Northern states are, after all, used to producing vegetables all summer. In Florida, from October until spring, lots of food travels ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension,
Tags: Agriculture, Gardening, Highlands County, Highlands Horticulture Digest, Master Gardener, Master Gardeners, Tomatoes, Vegetable, Winter Gardening

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