Hidden gems
Agriculture is Central Florida’s largest industry. We are often known for the many citrus groves and cattle ranches that are the central agriculture vein throughout our county. Most of you may be familiar with Caladiums. Highlands County hosts over 90% of all caladium farms in the world. The town of Lake Placid is the Caladium Capital of the World. Quite an impressive distinction for a small rural town. Nestled among citrus groves and caladiums are interesting small farms that are found off the beaten path. You might drive by them daily without notice or they may be in some far reach you have never considered driving.

Three March tours offered
This March, we have three agriculture tours coming up that we’ll take you to get a close-up look at some of the agricultural gems of Highlands County. The themed tours are going to separate locations so you can take your pick or go to all three without repeating a stop. The March 7th livestock tour includes stops at a ranch, dairy, an alligator farm, and a special tour of the Edna Pierce-Locket estate on the Kissimmee river. The March 9th Horticulture tour includes stops at a large indoor foliage producer, a vegetable farm, a caladium farm, and a winery. The March 22nd Ag and Natural Resources tour will give you the opportunity of visiting a local blueberry farm, a family country store dedicated to Florida citrus products, a Fruit Pearls packinghouse, a sustainable agriculture farm, and finish off at a Fresh From Florida, distillery of rum and other spirits.
The steak lunch adds to a memorable experience
Every tour lunch will offer a steak lunch with all of the fixings for a special southern-style experience. These tours always sell out quickly so you’ll want to purchase your tickets soon. The first one starts in less than a month! The cost is $95 per person and can be paid at the Extension office at 4509 George Blvd., Sebring, Fl. The Extension office is in the middle of the Bert J Harris Agricultural Center glass door that has the University of Florida on it. We accept checks and cash and you must have paid in advance to reserve your spot. the Extension office phone number is (863) 402-6540 Below are links to which you can order your ticket online through Eventbrite and learn more about each tour. They add a handling and convenience fee if you use that method.
March 7th Livestock tour click here
March 9th Horticulture tour click here
March 22nd Ag and Natural Resorces tour click here

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