By Master Gardener Volunteer/Guest Blogger, Mary Frances Meier
![Green leaves behind a cluster of red Penta Flowers](
The Highlands County Master Gardener Volunteers will offer a spring plant sale on Saturday, February 25, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Bert J. Harris Jr. Agriculture Center in Sebring. It’s also a chance to meet the Master Gardeners and learn about new plants.
We had a very successful Plant Sale and Festival in November, but we still have nice plants left over. A large and varied collection of Master Gardener plants will be available for sale.
In selecting the plants that we propagate and offer for sale, we try to work with unusual, special, and hard-to-find plants; and we’ll also have more common plants with significant appeal and value to the public. The collection includes important pollinator plants; hard to find ornamental plants; an expanded native plant collection, and healthful varieties such as longevity spinach, salad trees, and herbs. There are far too many plants to mention here, so come to the festival and check them out. We’ll be glad to answer your questions about all of them.
Get there early for the best selection but bear in mind that attendees will not be permitted in our area before 9:00. Bring a cart or wagon if you have one. The Bert J. Harris Jr. Agriculture Center is located at 4509 George Boulevard in Sebring. We hope to see you there!
Stay in touch!
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