5-Years Strong!

You Have To Love What You Do
Laurie Hurner, County Extension Director and June Fisher, County Administrator presenting David with his 5-Year certificate and pen.

It is not as common as it used to be for a man to work 5-years at a job. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of recognizing Mr. David Austin with his 5-Years of service pen and certificate from Highlands County.

“I love working with the Master Gardeners and the county is a super place to work. I think I will be here until I retire”. David Austin


5-Years Strong

David started his career with the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners as UF/IFAS Extension Highlands County Horticulture Agent I on November 12, 2012.


Since then, David has grown the Master Gardener Program in great ways.

  1. Over 20,000 Master Gardener Volunteer orders logged since he arrived
  2. David has offered over 2,000 Master Gardener Continuing Education Units (Programs)
  3. Master Gardeners have driven more than 99,000 miles on behalf of UF/IFAS Extension Highlands County
  4. David has helped develop 9 school gardens at local public and private schools
  5. He has helped start the Heartland Beekeepers Association and the Central Florida Butterfly and Pollinator Club
  6. Over 70 Master Gardener volunteers trained under his watchful eye
  7. The Master Gardener group grew from 21 to 77

“I am so proud to have David as a part of my team. He is well read and quick on the fly. I learn from him daily!” Laurie Hurner

If you would like more information about the Master Gardener program and all that it offers, visit our website here: http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/highlands/


Posted: November 9, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 5-years, DavidAustin, HCMG

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