Northwest Florida Beef Conference & Trade Show – February 8

The 32nd annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference and Trade Show will be held on Wednesday, February 8th in the Agriculture Conference Center, at the Jackson County Extension Office, located at 2741 Pennsylvania Avenue, Marianna, Florida. Registration and the Trade Show open at 7:30 AM central time, the program starts at 8:15 AM, and concludes with a steak lunch. There will be a $5 per person registration fee for advanced ticket sales, or $10 per person the day of the event.

Advanced tickets are available through February 3rd online at:

Eventbrite Registration Site

The focus of the five presentations at the 2017 Beef Conference will be: “Crucial Management in Challenging Times.” Dr. Cliff Lamb, UF Beef Reproduction Specialist will be the keynote speaker, providing a presentation on essential reproductive management . Dr. Matt Hersom, UF Beef Specialist will also be providing a key presentation on essential nutrition for the herd. Charles Mitchell, Emeritus Auburn Soil Specialist will be discussing cost cutting techniques for pasture fertility Other presentations will also focus on general ranch management with lower cattle prices. For more details or to share with a friend, download the printer friendly flyer: 2017 NW FL Beef Conference Flyer

Schedule of Events (all Central Time)

  • 7:30 – Trade Show & Registration Opens

  • 8:15 – Welcome

  • 8:30 – Riding Out the Cow Cycle: What to Do When the Wheels Come Off?
    Jed Dillard, Jefferson County Agriculture Agent

  • 9:00 – Essential Reproductive Management Considerations
    Cliff Lamb, UF/IFAS Beef Reproduction Specialist

  • 9:45 – Trade Show & Snack Break

  • 10:30Essential Nutrition: Put Your Money Where Her Mouth Is
    Matt Hersom, UF/IFAS Beef Extension Specialist

  • 11:15Strategies to Reduce Fertilizer Costs in Forage Systems
    Charles Mitchell, Emeritus Auburn Soil Specialist

  • 11:45Crunching the Numbers to Improve Ranch Efficiency
    Doug Mayo, Jackson County Extension Director

  • 12:15 – Grilled Steak Lunch

  • 12:45 – 1:30 Trade Show Open

In addition to the educational program, the Beef Conference will also feature a Trade Show of businesses and agencies that work with cattle producers in the region. Time is allotted on the schedule to allow visits with the company representatives to learn about specific products, equipment, and services they offer for beef cattle producers.

If you are interested in participating as a vendor in the Trade Show, use the following link to the website with more details: Beef Conference Trade Show Exhibitor Info

The Northwest Florida Beef Conference and Trade Show is an educational program provided by the UF/IFAS Panhandle Agriculture Extension Team.

For more information on the Beef Conference, or to exhibit in the Trade Show, contact Doug Mayo, Beef Conference Chairman, at 850-482-9620, or



Posted: January 13, 2017

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Agriculture, Beef Cattle, Forage, LIvestock, Pasture