The 2017 Tri-State Cucurbit Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 19, at the Jackson County Agricultural Conference Center, 2741 Pennsylvania Avenue, Marianna, Florida.
Registration opens at 7:30 AM (Central Time) and the event will end with a sponsored lunch. This meeting will provide the latest research information for commercial growers of watermelons, cantaloupe, squash, and other cucurbits.
Topics that will be addressed include: insect, weed, and disease management, cucurbit varieties, and water and nutrient management. Additionally, pesticide CEUs will be available. Speakers include research and extension faculty from the University of Florida/IFAS.
The registration fee for the event is $5.00 and includes materials and lunch. You can register online at: https://tristatecucurbitmeeting2017.eventbrite.com. You are welcome to pay at the door, but please RSVP with Jackson County Extension at: 850-482-9620. The Tri-state Cucurbit Meeting is hosted by Jackson, Gadsden, Washington, and Holmes County Extension agents in cooperation with research faculty in Florida.
7:30 – Registration Opens
8:10 – Update on the Panhandle Cucurbit Industry
Shep Eubanks, UF/IFAS Holmes County Extension -
8:20 – Cucurbit Disease Control
Matthews Paret, UF/IFAS Plant Pathologist -
9:10 – Cucurbit Variety Trial Summary
Josh Freeman, UF/IFAS Vegetable Specialist -
10:00 – Break
10:30 – Water & Nutrient Management
Bob Hochmuth, UF/IFAS Extension, Suwannee Valley Agricultural Extension Center -
11:20 – Attracting Beneficials in Squash Production
Oscar Liburd, UF/IFAS Entomologist -
12:10 – Meet with Vendors
12:30 – Lunch
12:50 – Closing Remarks & Conclusion
1:00 – Adjourn
Download the printer friendly flyer:
Tri-State Cucurbit Meeting Flyer