2014 Integrated Pest Management Update
Friday, September 5, 2014 – 9:00AM—1:30PM
North Florida Research & Education Center-Quincy
The integrated pest management update (IPMU) is a statewide extension video conferencing program that provides nursery and landscape professionals with updated integrated pest management options.
This year participants can learn about…
* Changes that are in the process of being implemented for the Globally Harmonization System Labels.
* Identification of Weed ID & Emerging Weed Pests that is problematic for ornamental production and in the landscape. Dr. Marble will also cover weeds that have the potential to become problematic as FL is the cross roads for new invasive species.
* Best Management Practices for Controlling Weeds in Florida Nurseries include but not limited to cultural, mechanical, and chemical practices to manage weeds.
* Pre Emergent Herbicides test trials over 20 products tested for effectiveness. The focus will be upon weed species controlled, length of time of effectiveness, mode of action of products, application rates and methods.
The following vendors will provide new production information:
* Frank Fornari – miticides available from BASF.
* Chris Hayes – how biological products can fit into a pest management plan.
* Pablo Perez – ornamental products available from Syngenta.
Four CEU maximum (1Core, 3 O&T or PVT) are available to certified pesticide applicators.
Registration is $25.00, which includes resource materials and lunch. Please register by August 29 so we have an accurate count for lunch. For registration information or for participants requiring special accommodations please contact Paula Alday at the Gadsden County Extension Office, (850) 875-7255 by September 1, 2014.