May 2017 Update: Oyster Restoration Research Proceeds in Apalachicola Bay (pdf)
In the last project period, field technicians at the UF Aquatic Pathobiology Laboratory, under the direction of Andy Kane, sampled oysters from multiple sites in Apalachicola Bay over February 27-28, 2017. These experimental sites, which are closed to fishing, included Dry Bar, Hotel Bar and Bulkhead Bar.
In this last sampling effort, additional samples were taken from adjacent bars to supplement the total sample size for that time point (310 oysters – all sizes). The oysters were evaluated for general health; measurements taken for overall size and height, general condition, internal “Dermo” parasites, and worm, clam and sponge shell parasites. These data will be put together from multiple sampling time points to create a bigger picture that allows us to look at relationships between shell planting density, water quality and oyster health. Combined with FWC data, we can also examine effects of shell planting density on predator density (e.g., drills, crabs), and oyster health and production.
Background: The goal of this research project is to optimize restoration and management approaches to support the seafood industry in the long term.
A project description from the funding agency, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, is also available at this link.
Project Leads
Karl Havens, project manager
352-392-5870 office
352-284-8558 cell
Andy Kane, chief scientist
352-213-8407 cell
Angela Lindsey, outreach coordinator
352-273-3552 office
904-509-3518 cell
Erik Lovestrand, UF/IFAS Extension, Franklin County
850-653-9337 office
850-766-8929 cell
This project is funded by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, under a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. A project description is available at this link.
November 2017 Update
November 14, 2017
Apalachicola Community Center
Scientists from the University of Florida and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will provide an update regarding the experimental research project in Apalachicola Bay. This five-year project is being funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The project examines oyster health, productivity, reef structure and water quality needed to support the Bay’s oyster industry. All interested persons from the community are encouraged to attend.
Meeting Contact: Erik Lovestrand, UF/IFAS Franklin County Extension Director, (850) 653-9337
2017 Update: Oyster Restoration Research Proceeds in Apalachicola Bay Meeting Handout (pdf)
May 1, 2017 5-6 pm
Apalachicola Community Center
Scientists from the University of Florida, and resource managers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will provide an update regarding the five‐year experimental research project that is happening in Apalachicola Bay. This is a project funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The project aims to identify an optimal foundation for future oyster reef restoration projects, in order to support a long‐term sustainable oyster industry in the region.
All interested persons from the community are invited to attend.
Meeting Contact: Erik Lovestrand, UF/IFAS Franklin County Extension Director, (850) 653-9337
2016 Update: Oyster Restoration Research Proceeds in Apalachicola Bay Meeting Handout (pdf)
November 15, 2016 5-6 pm
Apalachicola Community Center
Scientists from the University of Florida, and resource managers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will provide an update regarding the experimental research project that is on-going in Apalachicola Bay. This five-year project is being funded through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
The project is examining oyster health, productivity, reef structure and water quality to support the Bay’s oyster industry in the long-term.
All interested persons from the community are encouraged to attend.
Meeting Contact: Erik Lovestrand, UF/IFAS Franklin County Extension Director, (850) 653-9337
July 27, 2015 6-6:30 pm
Apalachicola Community Center
Scientists from the University of Florida, and resource managers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will provide an update regarding the five‐year experimental research project that is happening in Apalachicola Bay. This is a project funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The project aims to identify an optimal foundation for future oyster reef restoration projects, in order to support a long‐term sustainable oyster industry in the region.
All interested persons from the community are invited to attend.
Meeting Contact: Erik Lovestrand, UF/IFAS Franklin County Extension Director, (850) 653-9337
April 18, 2016 5 p.m.
The Seafood Management Assistance Resource & Recovery Team (SMARRT) will sponsor a Public Workshop at the Apalachicola Community Center on Monday, April 18, 2016 5 pm to discuss Apalachicola Bay management. Staff from various management agencies and faculty from the University of Florida will be on hand to answer questions and discuss various bay management strategies, as well as progress thus far with ongoing bay restoration research efforts.
Meeting Contact: Erik Lovestrand, UF/IFAS Franklin County Extension Director, (850) 653-9337