A common request I get from folks calling the extension office is how they go about getting their pesticide license. The Flagler County Extension Office offers free pesticide testing to the first 5 applicants to register for testing on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Additionally, we host exam review classes and CEU classes for MOST of the pesticide license categories covered under F.S.S. Chapter 487. For a complete list of upcoming classes visit the UF/IFAS Flagler County Extension Facebook events page.
This is a step-by-step guide for those interested in getting signed up to take their pesticide applicator exam. Be sure to read the captions for specific details on how to register for the correct exam.
Step 1: The first step to registering to take a Florida Pesticide Certification Exam is going to https://pesticideexam.ifas.ufl.edu
Step 2: Next, you will select the F.S.S. Chapter that applies to you. For example, if you will be applying Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) you would select Agriculture/RUP License Chapter 487.
Step 3: The next page will direct you to choose whether you are renewing your license, applying for a new license, or adding a category to an existing license. For applicators with an expired license, you will need to choose (Obtain a New License).
Step 4: Here you will select what kind of pesticide applicator license you will be using. Private applicators are those that apply to their own property or to the property of whomever they are directly employed by. Public applicators are those that are employed by local municipalities or other public entities. Commercial applicators are those that apply pesticides on a for-hire basis. Important Note: The pricing of each license differs depending on whether the license type!
Step 5: Next you will fill out the information requested by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. This step is important as it will serve as contact information if an FDACS rep needs to get ahold of you. Additionally, your address on file is where your license will be mailed once you’ve met all the requirements to obtain your license (i.e. pass required exams, paid license fees, etc.).
Step 6: Here you will select which exam(s) you plan on taking. It should be noted that you can register for more than one if you choose and will receive a voucher number for each exam registered for. Most of the pesticide applicator exams come at no cost to you, but there are some (i.e. Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance, Limited Lawn and Ornamental, etc.) that come with an examination fee.
Step 7: Confirm all your information is correct by checking the blue box at the bottom of the screen and clicking the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 8: This screen will give you your voucher number(s) for each exam you selected. Be sure to write that number(s) down as you will need it to schedule your exam. Additionally, you can email or print this page out but once you leave this page you cannot come back to it.
Step 9: Now navigate back to the UF/IFAS Pesticide Exam Page and select the ‘Schedule Examination’ button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 10: On this screen you will input your voucher number and last name, then click the ‘Schedule examination’ button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 11: Next you will select your exam location by clicking on the ‘Schedule Examination button’ under Exam Location.
Step 12: On this screen, you will either choose to schedule your exam online with Everblue or choose a county extension office to test at. Online exams through Everblue do require a non-refundable fee of $26.13 and additional fees may apply at the time of testing. Testing at a local extension office is offered free of charge (with some exceptions), but be sure to contact your local extension office ahead of time to get their testing schedule.
Step 13: Once you’ve selected your testing site simply click on the ‘View Test Schedule’ button next to the location.
Step 14: On this screen you will see the next testing day available, the time allocated for testing, the # of seats left for test-takers, and the exam type. If any testing accommodations need to be made for test-takers they must send in a written request to FDACS pesticide certification section at AESCares@FDACS.gov.
Step 15: Once you reach this point you have been successfully registered and are ready to take your exam. Again, if you require any kind of testing accommodations be sure to submit your request in writing to FDACS well ahead of time as they will need time to approve your request.
I hope this was helpful to anyone interested in becoming a certified pesticide applicator. If you have any questions about pesticide licenses or testing you can always contact your local extension office for clarification. For a list of upcoming pesticide exam review classes and CEU classes check out the UF/IFAS Flagler County Extension Facebook events page.