UF/IFAS Flagler County Extension office open by appointment only

Effective Monday June 1, 2020, the UF/IFAS Extension Flagler County Office will be open to visitors by appointment only on a limited basis. Staff and most agents will be working in the office and answering calls, emails and questions posted on Facebook, although some are still working from alternate locations at this time. Please be patient during this unprecedented time.

How can I get assistance?

If you have landscape-related questions, please contact our horticulture agent, Mimi Vreeland at mvreeland@ufl.edu. If you are attaching photographs to request plant, disease or insect identification, please look at the guidance here: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/science/florida-plant-identification-help/.

If you have food safety or nutrition-related questions, please contact our Family and Consumer Sciences agent (and County Extension Director) Melanie Thomas at mlthomas@ufl.edu.

For 4-H youth program questions, you can reach out to 4-H agent Alisha Hutchinson at alishahutchinson@ufl.edu or program assistant Ilana Shimmel at ishimmel@flaglercounty.org.

Commercial agriculture questions or questions about pesticide license testing go to Wendy Mussoline at wmussoli@ufl.edu.

Questions about our ocean or coasts go to Maia McGuire at mpmcg@ufl.edu.

Featured image by Rymden – stock.adobe.com


Posted: March 23, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, HOME LANDSCAPES, Natural Resources, WORK & LIFE