2016 Gulf Coast Agritourism and Ecotourism Business Development Conference

In 2014, five Extension agents involved with www.naturallyescarosa.com launched the first Gulf Coast Agritourism & Ecotourism Business Development Conference. Over sixty business owners and members of the hospitality industry met to discuss marketing, sustainable tourism, and how to handle insurance and liability in an industry that involves outdoor exploration.

conference jpegBack by popular demand, we have organized a second one to be held February 18-19 at the Gulf Power Building in Pensacola.

We have a dynamic group of speakers from all over the southeast to discuss the economic opportunities available in this line of work.

Due to partial grant funding, registration (includes meals and materials) is only $25!!! Anyone involved in the agriculture (U-pick operations, fresh produce markets, corn mazes, pumpkin patches, etc.), nature (paddling, camping, fishing, etc.) tourism or hospitality industry is encouraged to come.

Click Here and Buy Tickets today!

For more information on the 2016 Gulf Coast Agritourism & Ecotourism Business Development Conference, contact Chris Verlinde (850) 623-3868 or Carrie Stevenson (850) 475-5230


Posted: January 19, 2016

Category: Natural Resources
Tags: Agritourism, Ecotourism, Events, Florida Panhandle, Hiking, Kayaking, Panhandle Outdoors, Recreation, Upcoming Events

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