Cuban Treefrog Management Workshop

Managing Cuban Treefrog Workshop

The invasive Cuban Treefrog.
Photo: University of Florida Wildlife.

Cuban treefrogs are an invasive species that have been established in central and south Florida for several decades now.  But recent reports indicate that the animal is now moving into the Florida panhandle.  Most effective way to manage an invasive species is to detect it early and respond.  That is what we are trying to do.


The University of Florida IFAS Extension program will be hosting a workshop to educate resource managers, animal control specialists, nursery owners, and others how to identify Cuban treefrogs, and how to manage them.  The program will be led by Dr. Steve Johnson – University of Florida’s Department of Wildlife Ecology.


When:                Thursday September 28, 2023

Where:               Bay County Extension Office; 2728 E. 14th Street, Panama City FL 32401

There is an option to attend via zoom

Time:                   9:00 – 3:00 CDT

Cost:                   $10 in person (food); $0 if attending via zoom



Cuban Treefrog Workshop

Come join us for an exciting workshop to help manage the invasion of Cuban Treefrogs!



Posted: August 31, 2023

Category: Invasive Species, Natural Resources
Tags: Cuban Treefrogs; Florida Sea Grant