Prescribed Fire for Wildlife – A workshop for private landowners

When: February 26-28, 2019

Where: North FL Research & Education Center, 155 Research Rd, Quincy, FL 32351

Registration: $25 per person, either online or via the form attached

This training is designed for private landowners interested in providing better wildlife habitat by incorporating prescribed fire in their land management program. Our overall theme for this class is “Prescribed Fire & Wildlife Stewardship: Promoting Excellence in all Operational Phases”. This class will provide a comprehensive learning experience through lectures, panel discussions, and field exercises on local private lands. A series of presentations by experienced prescribed burners and wildlife biologists will cover a wide variety of topics, covering general principles as well as species-specific recommendations. Panel discussions with experts will facilitate information exchange. Knowledgeable speakers have years of experience managing Florida’s land to benefit wildlife. Field exercises will allow participants to work in small groups to begin incorporating ideas into their own personal prescribed fire operation plans.

Fire For Wildlife Workshop

2019 Prescribed Fire Wildlife Registration Form


Posted: January 16, 2019

Category: Agriculture,