Intrastate Movement of Livestock Due to Hurricane Irma

Please read information below from the state veterinarian regarding intrastate movement of livestock.

September 6, 2017
Effective immediately
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Animal Industry, has
temporarily suspended the intrastate movement requirements for the transportation of animals
from the areas expected to be impacted by Hurricane Irma.
In addition, the following states have waived their interstate import requirements for Florida, pets
and livestock leaving the expected impact areas of Hurricane Irma:

Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee
Any person transporting pets or livestock must stop at the Department’s agricultural interdiction
stations and present any required movement documentation. A transporter that fails to provide
the required documentation will be issued an Advisory Notice, which must remain with the
livestock during transport to Alabama, Georgia, or Mississippi and the return trip to the original
Florida destination.

Please visit, or call 1-850-410-0900 for
more information.
This temporary suspension shall expire on September 30, 2017, unless extended or rescinded.

Michael A. Short, D.V.M.
State Veterinarian/Director
Division of Animal Industry


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Posted: September 7, 2017

Category: Agriculture, Disaster Preparation, Livestock

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