Forest Stewardship Workshop: Use Prescribed Fire Safely and Effectively


September 27, 2016; 8:30 am – 3:00 pm, CT

Blackwater River State Forest, Bear Lake Pavilion

Prescribed fire is applied to thousands of acres in the South each year to achieve forestry, agricultural and/or wildlife management objectives. Under the right conditions prescribed fire is an effective tool for reducing fuel loads and improving wildlife habitat, aesthetics and access. This workshop will provide an overview of the uses of fire in natural resource management and the proper planning necessary for a successful prescribed burn. A burn demonstration will be planned and executed, if conditions allow.

Tentative Agenda:

8:30 am Sign-in, meet and greet at Bear Lake Pavilion

9:00 Welcome and Introduction, Mike Hudson, Florida Forest Service (FFS) and Chris Demers, UF/IFAS School of Forest Resources and Conservation

9:15 Why Use Fire?, Maria Wilson, FFS

10:00 Prescribed Burning Factors and Issues, David Smith, FFS

10:45 Break

11:00 Plan it! – The Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, Charles “CC” Christensen, FFS

11:45 Prescribed Burn Associations and Cost-share Assistance, Arlo Kane, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

12:00 pm Lunch, Thanks Sponsors!

1:00 Executing the Burn: Equipment and Firing Techniques in the field, Gary Holley, FFS and all staff

3:00 Conclusion, evaluation, adjourn

Register: A $10 fee covers lunch and materials. Register on-line at You can also reserve a space by contacting Bethany at the UF/IFAS Santa Rosa County Extension Office at (850) 675-6654. Directions to the facility are on the back. Please share this announcement with others who may be interested.




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Posted: June 3, 2016

Category: Events, Forests, Natural Resources

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