Annual Florida Pecan Field Day 2015 in Monticello

The annual Florida Pecan Field Day 2015 will be held on Thursday, October 1 at the Jefferson County Extension Office in Monticello. All pecan growers are invited to attend.Pecan2

Commercial pecan production is greatly affected by markets, pests, competition, and the weather. There likely will be plenty of conversation about the weather, but our presentations will focus on things we are more likely to be able to change – markets and pest management.

Fred Beshears, past president of the Florida Pecan Growers’ Association, will update us on the Federal Marketing Order for Pecans, Pete Andersen and Russ Mizell will provide updates on University of Florida work, and Pat Conner and Lenny Wells will bring new information from the University of Georgia. Lunch will be provided by area agricultural vendors and the Florida Pecan Growers’ Association will meet afterwards.

Approval for 1.5 CEU’s is pending.

Attendance is free, but please pre-register so you can be assured of a seat, hand outs and lunch. To register or request additional information, contact Jed Dillard, or 850-342-0187. Access the Pecan Field Day Agenda here.


Posted: September 10, 2015

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Growing Pecans, Pecan, Pecan Field Day, Pecan Trees