Pecan Field Day Set for September 16 in Monticello

The annual Florida Pecan Field Day will be held on Tuesday, September 16 at the Jefferson County Extension Office in Monticello. All pecan growers are invited to attend.

As with all commodities, success with pecans depends on managing pests, reducing production costs and effective marketing. This year’s program responds with a focus on Integrated Pest Marketing and the complexities of the pecan market.

Dr. Pete Andersen and Dr. Russ Mizell of the UF Northwest Research and Education Center will discuss matching varieties to disease and pest pressures and modifying the orchard environment to help control arthropod pests. The second half of the morning’s program will feature a marketing round table chaired by Jefferson County producer, Phil Calandra. Thomasville, Georgia pecan buyer Greg Hamil will carry attendees through the process of pricing pecans and Jefferson County Agent Jed Dillard will give an update on the proposed USDA Marketing Order for pecans. Lunch will be provided by area agricultural vendors and the Florida Pecan Growers’ Association will meet afterwards. Approval for pesticide applicator is pending. The agenda is attached here.

Attendance is free, but please pre-register so you can be assured of a seat, handouts and lunch. To register or request additional information, contact Jed Dillard at or 850-342-0187.

Jed Dillard
Jefferson County Extension Livestock and Natural Resources Agent
2729 West Washington Street
Monticello, FL 32344


Posted: September 8, 2014

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Growing Pecans, Pecan Field Day, Pecans