New Rule from FWC Allows Hog Hunting at Night with Lights

During a recent Hog and Deer Damage meeting held for farmers and hunters in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, representatives from Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) officers discussed a rule change to benefit farmers experiencing hog damage to their crops.

It is now legal to hunt hogs at night with a gun and a light on private land without a hunting license. FWC does not require notice of a hog hunt on your property, however, officers are continuing to patrol and may come to check night hunters with guns and lights. Coyotes, armadillos, rats, and house mice are also included in the exemption.

To read the official rule, visit and look under “Gun/Light Permit”.


Posted: April 2, 2012

Category: Agriculture
Tags: Panhandle-agriculture, Wild Hog, Wildlife

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