Drumroll, please! Announcing the top 100 Ask IFAS publications for 2024 and the top 20 Spanish publications.
- Many publications with improved rankings on this list were revised in 2024. An easy way to keep your publications “fresh” is to check your link reports and fix any that are broken!
- Traffic is overall lower than last year.
- We are watching Google AI summaries and their effect on click-through rates (CTR). Unfortunately, we cannot measure when our content is included in an AI-generated answer.
- The recent design update included improvements that should result in increased traffic.
- Starting with this year’s statistics, we include traffic to the EDIS Journal. This is negligible for most publications but may be a surprise for some.
Web visits to EDIS publications for the 2024 reporting year (11/16/2023-11/15/2024) are available on the EDIS Admin website at https://edis-admin.ifas.ufl.edu.
For instructions, see Accessing EDIS Publication Annual Statistics on the EDIS Blog
Ask IFAS web summary
- 7.9 million web page views by
- 4.6 million users accessing
- 6,198 active publications, including 335 in Spanish.
Top 100 Publications
The complete 2023 EDIS Stats Report is also available on the EDIS Blog for comparison.
Rank | 2023 Rank | DLN | Title | Visits |
1 | 1 | VH021 | Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide | 65,898 |
2 | 13 | WC116 | Speech Writing and Types of Speeches | 49,850 |
3 | 6 | UW491 | Nonnative Monkey Populations of Florida: History, Status, and Potential Impacts | 48,954 |
4 | 8 | PS044 | Common Poultry Diseases | 48,102 |
5 | 3 | EP450 | Central Florida Gardening Calendar | 45,864 |
6 | 5 | EP451 | North Florida Gardening Calendar | 43,034 |
7 | 9 | FE962 | Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Trees and Landowner Responsibility | 39,333 |
8 | 11 | AG259 | Herbicides to Kill Invasive Trees in Home Landscapes and Surrounding Natural Areas | 34,959 |
9 | ↑ | HS1461 | Beneficios para la salud de la semilla y perfil nutricional de 35 cultivares de calabaza | 33,881 |
10 | 27 | HR022 | Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools | 32,729 |
11 | 12 | FS077 | Basic Elements of Equipment Cleaning and Sanitizing in Food Processing and Handling Operations | 28,801 |
12 | 18 | MG055 | Pineapple Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 28,044 |
13 | 7 | HR020 | Transformational Leadership: The Transformation of Managers and Associates | 27,756 |
14 | 21 | MG216 | Mango Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 27,113 |
15 | 10 | UW258 | Dealing with Snakes in Florida’s Residential Areas—Identifying Commonly Encountered Snakes | 26,777 |
16 | 39 | FA006 | Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (White Spot) Infections in Fish | 26,233 |
17 | 14 | UW494 | “Las serpientes negras”: identificación y ecología | 25,233 |
18 | 20 | LH010 | St. Augustinegrass for Florida Lawns | 24,159 |
19 | 15 | HS1282 | Cultivando Papas en el Jardín de su Hogar en la Florida | 23,813 |
20 | 19 | EP375 | Landscape Design: Ten Important Things to Consider | 23,766 |
21 | 17 | EP452 | South Florida Gardening Calendar | 23,582 |
22 | 29 | MG054 | Papaya Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 22,934 |
23 | 2 | WC193 | News Writing for Television and Radio | 22,748 |
24 | 37 | MG213 | Avocado Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 22,643 |
25 | 25 | FE108 | Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Easements and Rights of Way | 22,007 |
26 | 23 | UW251 | “Black Snakes”: Identification and Ecology | 21,471 |
27 | ↑ | IN1366 | An Introduction to Some Common and Charismatic Florida Spiders | 20,257 |
28 | 34 | UW259 | The Cuban Treefrog in Florida | 20,137 |
29 | 28 | VM021 | Prevention and Control of Fowl Pox in Backyard Chicken Flocks | 20,068 |
30 | 69 | SS439 | Preparing and Storing an Emergency Safe Drinking Water Supply | 20,042 |
31 | 33 | EP220 | Identification of Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac, and Poisonwood | 19,445 |
32 | ↑ | UW509 | Lidiando con las serpientes en áreas Residenciales de Florida: Cómo identificar serpientes comunes | 18,029 |
33 | 32 | LH006 | Bahiagrass for Florida Lawns | 17,504 |
34 | 26 | WC322 | What is Understanding by Design (UbD)? | 17,279 |
35 | 80 | PI289 | The Facts about Mothballs | 16,862 |
36 | 64 | PI231 | Pesticide Formulations | 16,858 |
37 | ↑ | MG330 | Sugar Apple Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 16,585 |
38 | 49 | IN528 | Dealing with Iguanas in the South Florida Landscape | 16,237 |
39 | 67 | MG040 | Banana Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 16,113 |
40 | 30 | IN019 | Bloodsucking Insects | 16,082 |
41 | 47 | AN182 | Care of Baby Chicks | 15,955 |
42 | 40 | EP141 | Weed Management Guide for Florida Lawns | 15,586 |
43 | 35 | EP573 | Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) Flower Extract (BPFE) and Its Use as a pH-Dependent Natural Colorant | 15,057 |
44 | 54 | HS1397 | Passion Fruit Problems in the Home Landscape | 14,678 |
45 | 96 | HS141 | Citrus Problems in the Home Landscape | 14,669 |
46 | ↑ | MG050 | Loquat Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 14,653 |
47 | 42 | MG359 | Blueberry Gardener’s Guide | 14,582 |
48 | 41 | WC191 | News Writing for Print | 14,511 |
49 | 31 | HS1433 | La Producción de Lechuga en Sistemas Hidropónicos a Pequeña Escala | 14,399 |
50 | 86 | PP324 | The Green-Spore Poison Parasol Mushroom, Chlorophyllum molybdites | 14,213 |
51 | 51 | FE107 | Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Boundaries and Possession | 14,040 |
52 | 70 | MG045 | Guava Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 13,983 |
53 | 43 | MG086 | Basic Principles of Landscape Design | 13,956 |
54 | 4 | FE978 | Ocho Pasos para Desarrollar un Plan Simple de Mercadeo | 13,453 |
55 | 74 | UW468 | How Effective and Humane Is Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) for Feral Cats? | 13,338 |
56 | 75 | ST575 | Sabal palmetto: Sabal or Cabbage Palm | 13,131 |
57 | 55 | PP100 | Ganoderma Butt Rot of Palms | 13,119 |
58 | 62 | PP361 | Bird’s Nest Fungi: Charismatic Mushrooms in Your Garden | 13,089 |
59 | ↑ | FR003 | Common Pines of Florida | 13,072 |
60 | 38 | UW369 | How to Identify the Wildlife Species Responsible for Damage in Your Yard | 12,886 |
61 | 60 | VM013 | Concepts of Eggshell Quality | 12,877 |
62 | 78 | CH142 | A Guide to Citrus Nutritional Deficiency and Toxicity Identification | 12,862 |
63 | 77 | HS1406 | The Passion Fruit in Florida | 12,698 |
64 | 59 | LH025 | Watering Your Florida Lawn | 12,607 |
65 | 57 | WC099 | Application Letters and Resumes | 12,602 |
66 | ↑ | FY1517 | Social and Community Benefits and Limitations of Urban Agriculture | 12,601 |
67 | 82 | IN1102 | The Social Organization of Honey Bees | 12,585 |
68 | 22 | SS548 | Fertilizer Experimentation, Data Analyses, and Interpretation for Developing Fertilization Recommendations—Examples with Vegetable Crop Research | 12,381 |
69 | 81 | EP449 | Landscape Design: Arranging Plants in the Landscape | 12,185 |
70 | ↑ | EP433 | Landscape Design: Aesthetic Characteristics of Plants | 12,117 |
71 | 72 | IN1022 | How to Make a Bed Bug Interceptor Trap out of Common Household Items | 12,108 |
72 | ↑ | EP621 | A Beginner’s Guide to Begonias: Vegetative Propagation | 12,018 |
73 | 53 | UW486 | Florida’s Introduced Reptiles: Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei) | 11,907 |
74 | ↑ | ST179 | Conocarpus erectus: Buttonwood | 11,699 |
75 | 45 | UW059 | Hummingbirds of Florida | 11,678 |
76 | ↑ | MG049 | Longan Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 11,676 |
77 | 46 | HS100 | The Muscadine Grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx) | 11,470 |
78 | 73 | HS309 | Caimito (Star Apple) Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 11,429 |
79 | 100 | MG051 | Lychee Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 11,264 |
80 | ↑ | FS425 | Cottage Food in Florida | 11,146 |
81 | ↑ | MG269 | Carambola Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 11,136 |
82 | 94 | FA024 | Culture Techniques of Moina: The Ideal Daphnia for Feeding Freshwater Fish Fry | 11,079 |
83 | 58 | PP292 | Anthurium Diseases: Identification and Control in Commercial Greenhouse Operations | 10,927 |
84 | ↑ | HS1434 | Waterleaf, a Potential Leafy Vegetable for Florida | 10,856 |
85 | 61 | PS029 | Factors Affecting Egg Production in Backyard Chicken Flocks | 10,834 |
86 | 99 | EP004 | Drying and Preserving Plant Materials for Decorative Uses | 10,637 |
87 | 63 | LH011 | Zoysiagrass for Florida Lawns | 10,568 |
88 | ↑ | FS104 | Preventing Foodborne Illness: Clostridium botulinum | 10,547 |
89 | 48 | IN017 | Common Florida Spiders | 10,543 |
90 | 88 | AN254 | Growing Calf and Show Steer Feed Management | 10,441 |
91 | 56 | WC294 | Instructional Design Using the Dick and Carey Systems Approach | 10,400 |
92 | 36 | IN1026 | Cómo hacer una trampa interceptora de chinches de cama de artículos comunes del hogar | 10,343 |
93 | 85 | FA181 | Lymphocystis Disease in Fish | 10,191 |
94 | 76 | FA165 | Use of Copper in Marine Aquaculture and Aquarium Systems | 10,068 |
95 | 95 | IG168 | Manejo de Insectos en Crucíferas (Cultivos de Coles) (Brócoli, Repollo, Coliflor, Col, Col Rizada, Mostaza, Rábano, Nabos) | 9,928 |
96 | ↑ | EP581 | A Beginner’s Guide to Begonias: Classification and Diversity | 9,816 |
97 | ↑ | MG370 | Jackfruit Growing in the Florida Home Landscape | 9,786 |
98 | ↑ | PP340 | Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) Diseases: Identification and Control in Commercial Greenhouse Production | 9,782 |
99 | ↑ | EP442 | Twenty-Two Ideas for a Low-Care, Low-Cost Landscape | 9,780 |
100 | 52 | PP345 | Stinkhorn Mushrooms (Agaricomycetes: Phallales: Phallaceae) | 9,758 |
Top 20 Spanish Publications
Rank | 2023 Rank | DLN | Title | Visits |
1 | 12 | HS1461 | Beneficios para la salud de la semilla y perfil nutricional de 35 cultivares de calabaza | 33,881 |
2 | 2 | UW494 | “Las serpientes negras”: identificación y ecología | 25,233 |
3 | 3 | HS1282 | Cultivando Papas en el Jardín de su Hogar en la Florida | 23,813 |
4 | 4 | HS1433 | La Producción de Lechuga en Sistemas Hidropónicos a Pequeña Escala | 14,399 |
5 | 1 | FE978 | Ocho Pasos para Desarrollar un Plan Simple de Mercadeo | 13,453 |
6 | 5 | IN1026 | Cómo hacer una trampa interceptora de chinches de cama de artículos comunes del hogar | 10,343 |
7 | 8 | IG168 | Manejo de Insectos en Crucíferas (Cultivos de Coles) (Brócoli, Repollo, Coliflor, Col, Col Rizada, Mostaza, Rábano, Nabos) | 9,928 |
8 | 6 | HS294 | La Granada en Florida: ¿una fruta de árbol para Florida? | 9,478 |
9 | 7 | PI243 | Equipo de Protección Personal para la Manipulación de Pesticidas | 8,037 |
10 | ↑ | UW477 | El sapo de caña o “Bufo” (Rhinella marina) en Florida | 7,611 |
11 | 10 | IN977 | Enemigos naturales y control biológico | 7,272 |
12 | 17 | FS240 | Frijoles, guisantes y lentejas: beneficios para la salud | 6,065 |
13 | ↑ | UW496 | Cómo identificar las especies de animales responsables por el daño en tu jardín | 5,913 |
14 | 14 | FS430 | Leches a base de plantas: soya | 5,638 |
15 | 13 | AE496 | Interpretación del Contenido de la Humedad del Suelo para Determinar Capacidad de Campo y Evitar Riego Excesivo en Suelos Arenosos Utilizando Sensores de Humedad | 5,429 |
16 | ↑ | UW504 | Viviendo con los caimanes: una realidad en Florida | 5,045 |
17 | ↑ | AN371 | Programa de Manejo del Ordeño: Procedimientos de Ordeño Adecuados para Optimizar la Eficiencia del Ordeño y la Calidad de la Leche | 4,727 |
18 | ↑ | HS295 | La Maracuya o Parchita en Florida | 4,718 |
19 | 19 | HS356 | Principios y prácticas para el manejo de nutrientes en la producción de hortalizas | 4,713 |
20 | 15 | FE572 | Entendiendo las Tasas de Cambio: ¿es el debilitamiento del dólar Americano—bueno, malo o indiferente para los agricultores y negocios agrícolas en Florida? | 4,671 |