Get to know …. Christie Hildreth

Get to know… is a feature for UF/IFAS CREC social media. In it, we get to know one of the faculty, staff or students working at UF/IFAS CREC. Christie Hildreth is the always smiling, helpful colleague who works in the business unit.

When did you start working at UF/IFAS CREC?

June 8, 2012.

What are your responsibilities at CREC?

Fiscal Specialist II:in charge of travel, help with Pcards, taking care of the Dorm Rent and so much more.

What are you really proud about working at CREC?

How we all come together to get things done.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Being able to help others.

Who is your favorite superhero?

My mother!

What is your favorite type of citrus?


Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Anywhere with my husband.

What is your favorite thing to cook/eat?

Mexican and seafood.

If you could invite three people to share a meal with, who would it be (other than family)?

Johnny Cash, Elvis, Dean Martin.

What is your favorite song or recording artist?

Johnny Cash.

Do you have a favorite movie? Book?

Too many to choose from



Posted: March 24, 2021

Category: UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Citrus, Citrus Research And Education Center

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