Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Class and Exam

Friday, October 27th is our Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Exam Preparation Class to be taught in Spanish.

The class will be at the North Fort Myers Recreation Center.

Click on the link below to see the agenda and for registration.

CEUs: 2 each for cores and Comm. L&O; 4 each for LCLM, O&T, for a total of 6 CEUs.

Remember, you will need to obtain an exam voucher in order to take the exam.

Instructions on getting the voucher is included in Spanish and English by clicking on the link above.

For more information contact Cesar Asuaje at or at (561) 339-7931.


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Posted: October 6, 2023

Category: Agriculture, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension