As cute as a button

Red Cone-Shaped Flower Heads Made Up of Colorful Red Leaf-Like Bracts
Cone-Shaped Flower Heads Made Up of Colorful Red Leaf-Like Bracts

As you start your gardening hobby here in Southwest Florida, any new tropical plant is a novelty to the beginning gardener.  One such plant that you might receive from a neighbor or purchase from a local garden center or nursery is the red button ginger or Costus woodsonii.  This native to Central and parts of northern South America has been a favorite for years as a prized ornamental.  Referred to as a spiral ginger, this plant is made up of leaves that are arranged in a spiral pattern around the stem.  Each stem is topped off with cone-shaped flower head made up of colorful red leaf-like bracts – these make excellent, long-lasting cut flowers.

Growing up to three to four-feet tall with rich green leaves, the red button ginger flowers from late winter to early spring.  Out of the red cone-shaped scale-like inflorescence emerge the true flowers which are orange with a yellow lower lip – these flowers are considered edible and are very attractive to hummingbirds.  Unlike true gingers, the red button ginger rhizome is not used as a flavoring – no aromatic oils are present.  The red button ginger is a perennial plant that grows from rhizomes which are actually modified underground stems.  The clump of ginger expands as the rhizomes grow and enlarge.  Propagation can be accomplished by dividing the rhizomes into smaller clumps or from rooting cuttings – a feature unique to this group of gingers.  Space red button ginger plants eighteen to twenty-four inches apart in organic enriched, well-drained soil in a full sun /part shade site where the plants will get six to eight hours of sun.  Some afternoon shade will be beneficial to reduce the chance of sunburning the foliage.  For small space gardens, red button ginger will easily adapt to container culture.

Red button gingers are hardy from Zone 9 through 11.  If we receive a freeze, the damaged plants will grow back from the protected underground rhizomes with no problem.   While the red button ginger Costus woodsonii is most often available, there is one selected cultivar called ‘French Kiss’.  ‘French Kiss’, is a dwarf, more compact type growing between two and three feet tall.

The red button ginger is an ornamental plant that almost every gardener has at one time or another – cute as a button!  It is a great introductory plant that practically guarantees success which in turn feeds your passion for more types of ginger and their kin!  For more information on all types of unique plants to grow in Southwest Florida, or to ask a question, you can also call the Master Gardener Volunteer Helpdesk on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1 to 4 pm at 764-4340 for gardening help and insight into their role as an Extension volunteer.  Ralph E. Mitchell is the Director/Horticulture Agent for UF/IFAS Extension – Charlotte County. He can be reached at 941-764-4344 or Connect with us on social media. Like us on Facebook @CharlotteCountyExtension and follow us on Instagram @ifascharco.

UF/IFAS Gardening Solutions (2024) Spiral Gingers.  The University of Florida Extension Service, IFAS.

  1. Milan (2022) Red Button Ginger a Versatile Plant: Full Plant Profile.  Garden Frontier.

National Gardening Association (2024) Plants Data Base- Red Button Ginger.
Costus woodsonii ‘French Kiss’ (2024) Almost Eden
All-Seasons Plant Finder – Red Button Ginger.


ralph mitchell
Posted: October 2, 2024

Category: Home Landscapes
Tags: Ginger, Red Button Ginger, Spiral Ginger, Tropical Plant