Why Are We Taking an Ethics Course?

As youth prepare to show at County Livestock Shows as well as the Florida State Fair, they may find that they need to take the Florida State Fair Ethics training course. This program will instill the highest values of integrity and character development and will help develop responsible youth who know and understand the importance of proper animal care and management practices in producing a safe and wholesome food supply.

This three-hour course provides youth with a better understanding of the following:

The purpose of youth livestock projects

Youth will be able to describe the purpose of raising animals in association with a youth livestock program and real-world agriculture.

The importance of ethics in youth livestock projects

Youth will understand the importance of sportsmanship and ethics in relation to raising their animals according to industry standards, within regulations, ethical standards, and more.

Proper animal handling and management practices & the difference between animal welfare and animal rights

Youth will understand the importance of using the recommended handling and management practices when training and working with their animals and will follow the labels when administering medications to animals.

Youth will use their knowledge and experience to advocate for agriculture in a way that they can absorb without feeling challenged.

How to become an ambassador for animal agriculture

Youth will use their knowledge and experience to advocate for agriculture in a way that they can absorb without feeling challenged.

Once youth complete the training, they will adhere to the Ethics Oath which requires them to complete their livestock project using the moral codes they have developed in accordance with animal agriculture practices.

In order to sign up for these courses, have youth visit floridastatefairag.com/ethics

*These courses are valid for 3 show years, therefor they must be retaken/renewed every 3 years.


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Posted: October 28, 2022

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers, Curriculum,
Tags: Animal Agriculture, County Livestock Shows, Ethics, Florida State Fair, Livestock Projects