Susan Reams | Marine Sciences | 23 Questions

As a way to learn more about the 23 majors in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Florida, we’ve been asking 23 questions. Susan Reams, an graduating undergraduate student in marine sciences, answered our 23 questions while showing us around the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Unit at Millhopper. Watch the video to learn more about Ream’s favorite classes, student involvement and future plans.

Meredith: We’re here with Susan, a student in one of our 23 majors who is graduating this semester so we have 23 questions for her. What are you up to today, Susan?

Susan: Hey, I’m out here at the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Unit at Millhopper just kind of hanging out enjoying the beautiful weather and the lovely water.

Meredith: What is your major?

Susan: I’m a marine sciences major.

Meredith: Describe your major without using the words “marine” or “sciences.”

Susan: I would probably say learning about freshwater and saltwater ecosystems and everything that’s in them.

Meredith: What is a marine animal most people don’t know about?

Susan: Copepods! They’re kind of the basis for a lot of food chains. It’s like a little tiny planktonic crustacean and it’s also what Plankton from SpongeBob is.

Meredith: If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Susan: I’ve always wanted to go scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef.

Meredith: When you’re not in class, what are you normally doing?

Susan: I work a lot and then I like to hang out with friends and read some good books.

Meredith: Are you a night owl or an early riser?

Susan: Unfortunately, an early riser now.

Meredith: What color best describes your personality?

Susan: I’d probably say yellow, just because I have a lot of yellow things and my friends say it always fits me.

Meredith: What led you to major in marine sciences?

Susan: My sister started scuba diving when I was eight and I was like, “Oh my gosh, that’s so cool!” I also grew up fishing with my grandparents and my dad a lot.

Meredith: What has been your favorite part of being a Florida Gator?

Susan: Probably just the community and knowing that I get to be something part of something bigger and just all this cool research and stuff we do.

Meredith: Would you rather go snorkeling or surfing?

Susan: That’s so tough. Probably snorkeling, just because I don’t get to do it as much.

Meredith: What makes you laugh?

Susan: Whenever my friends can like joke around with each other and tease each other.

Meredith: What is the most beautiful beach you’ve been to?

Susan: I got to go to this place in the Dominican Republic called Los Patos. It was gorgeous.

Meredith: If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?

Susan: There’s so many good people out there that would be such a good opportunity, but I’d probably just say Bethany Hamilton.

Meredith: What were you involved in at UF?

Susan: I got to do so many cool things. One was the CALS Leadership Institute, which was really fun. The certificate program for the Challenge 2050 Global Leadership and Change, and I also got to intern at the Field and Fork Farms, that was amazing, and I did a couple of volunteer opportunities in a crayfish lab and yeah, just helping out with the family fishing days we have out here, too, has been really awesome.

Meredith: You’re graduating this semester, congratulations! What’s next?

Susan: I am going to be working at the Fish and Wildlife Commission right here in Gainesville, doing some surveys for about six months, helping with some research data.

Meredith: What’s been your favorite class?

Susan: Oh, there’s been so many good ones. I got to do one called “Fish and Water Quality” out here. That was really fun night class and then also “Biology of Fishes” was one of the core classes, super hard but I learned so much.

Meredith: Albert or Alberta?

Susan: Albert.

Meredith: What is a hidden gem about UF?

Susan: I’d probably say Lake Wauburg, I hadn’t been there until this semester and just all the kayaking and paddling, I thought it was amazing.

Meredith: What is something you’re passionate about?

Susan: I would say my faith in Jesus Christ. I would be super stressed and overwhelmed trying to achieve and make my life super successful, but with the relationship with him, I just know that God is in control and I can have joy throughout whatever comes.

Meredith: What’s your favorite part about living in Gainesville?

Susan: Probably the community and just all of the cool things close by, like springs and nature and all of that.

Meredith: Let’s say you had a boat. What would you name it?

Susan: Oh, that’s tough. It would probably be a little fishing boat and I would name it “Big Tuna.”

Meredith: What advice do you have for future Gators?

Susan: Ask hard questions and hang around people that are wiser than you are, and remember that the people that you know often get you way farther than good grades or anything like that.

Meredith: Thank you so much for catching up with us today, Susan, and congratulations on graduating!

Susan: Yeah thank you guys so much!


Posted: December 16, 2021

Category: UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: 23 Questions, Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences Unit, Forest Fisheries And Geomatics Sciences, Graduation, Marine Sciences, Student