Start the New Year with a Career Resolution

At the turn of the new year, many individuals set resolutions such as getting healthier, saving money or studying more. I would like to encourage CALS students to consider a career resolution.

What will you do this year to prepare for your future? Perhaps your goal is small and you want to start by creating or updating your resume. You may want to become more involved with student organizations, both to gain valuable experience and to learn about potential careers. Maybe you’re graduating soon and your focus is preparing for your next step. Regardless of your career goal, CALS can help.

Corey Graf and Cathy CarrDid you know that we have monthly walk-in Coffee & Careers sessions for initial career advising or quick resume reviews? Students can schedule appointments with either myself or Corey Graf, CRC Assistant Director in Career and Industry Engagement and Embedded Liaison for CALS. We can help with the following:

  • career exploration,
  • resume and cover letter development,
  • personal statement development, and
  • mock interviews.

What will your career goal be for 2018? Let us help you reach that goal.


Posted: January 8, 2018

Category: UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Career Services

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