What is the Broward 4-H Community Fair?


Visit the 4-H Community Fair! The Broward 4-H Community Fair is an annual event for Broward County 4-H youth to demonstrate their skills and receive recognition and feedback on their project areas. Youth ages 5-18 can enter up to 10 exhibits or displays for general judging. These exhibits or displays can be from 11 categories. Some categories may have an item displayed, such as in Art, Sewing, Horticulture, Food, Photography, or Health. Other categories often have an educational display, such as in Digital Media, Natural Sciences, Performing Arts, Leadership, and Science. In addition to exhibits, youth can also enter a public speaking competition, a Fashion show and a Talent Show.

Volunteer judges interview youth about their projects or performances and provide feedback and scores. Youth then receive a blue, red or white ribbon based on their score, as well as Premium Money.

Youth create exhibits or educational displays that they enter into the Fair
Highlights of the Fair

The Fair is created for youth to share what they are capable of as well as see what they can strive to achieve. By sharing with each other, youth grow and learn from each other. The Fair is also designed to appeal to multiple interests. Some youth only participate in public speaking. Others enter displays and choose to also enter the Fashion Show. In surveys, youth and parents report that the Fair encourages youth to try new projects and are motivated to work on them to completion.

How can you be a part of the Fair?

There are many ways to be involved in the Fair!

  • Become a volunteer judge! Interview youth, score them and provide constructive feedback
  • Be a general volunteer. Help us with check in and assisting youth with their projects
  • Be a Fair sponsor. We appreciate any financial contributions from individuals or businesses. Financial support provides award money to youth.
  • Visit the 4-H Community Fair! Watch and encourage our youth!
  • Be involved in 4-H. See our other blogs for our other activities.
Various Fair sponsors from 2019
A youth shows a volunteer judge their art project
A youth models an outfit she created for the Fashion Show

Posted: February 1, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: Events, Exhibits, Fair, Volunteer, Youth

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