Florida Saves

Take the pledge to save for the unexpected. The Florida Saves Pledge will allow you to sign up and receive tips on how to save towards your savings goal. 2020 taught us that we never know what is around the corner. We all have goals and things we would like to achieve but have we thought about to the unexpected? According to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity the Florida, unemployment was 6.1% by the end of 2020.

There is no right or wrong to create an emergency savings. The amount you save and the steps you take to reach your goal should accommodate your financial situation. We never know when we might have an unexpected bill, car trouble, or increase in expenses. Building and/or maintain an emergency fund is needed to lessen the blow of the unexpected expenses we can occur. For more information, you can visit www.americasaves.com to learn more.


Posted: March 12, 2021

Category: Money Matters, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Bradford County, FCS, Finance, Money, Saving Money

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