AEC Gathering – August AttaGators

We are One Team. We Develop People. We Build Relationships. We Collaborate Enthusiastically. We Lead with Integrity. We Achieve the Extraordinary.

The faculty, staff, and students in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication strive every day to uphold AEC departmental values. We gather weekly for AEC Gatherings to discuss new topics, connect with peers, and celebrate those nominated for AttaGators. AttaGators are given to those who have been nominated by another person for upholding the values of our department.

Below are the AttaGators for the month of August:

We are One Team.
students and faculty holding gator award
L to R: Dr. Tre Easterly, Jason Dossett (PhD), Maddi Dyment (PhD), Carrie Baker (PhD), Cassie Goff (PhD), and Suzanna Browning (PhD).
  1. Peggy Lowenstein was nominated for their dedication to ensuring our graduate students enter our program with ease, and experience a great orientation.
  2. Brooke Brammer and Peggy Lowenstein were nominated for creating a hub for our graduate students to easily find dates, forms, and files they will need throughout their time in our program.
  3. Cassie Goff, Jason Dossett, Carrie Baker, Juan Montealegre, Suzanna Browning, Maddi Dyment, and Jessica Switzer were nominated for helping make the first ever Gator Agriscience Teacher Academy a success! The Gator Agriscience Teacher Academy is a four-day professional development event for beginning agriculture teachers. The team coordinated logistics, workshops, presentations, and everything in-between. They went above and beyond to make the event valuable for the teachers who attended.



We Collaborate Enthusiastically.
students and faculty holding gator award
L to R: Dr. Heather Young, Maddi Dyment (PhD), Gabe Spandau (PhD), Kyliegh Hillburn (PhD), and Cassie Goff (PhD)
      1. Cassie Goff, Caitlin Lunzmann, Kyleigh Hillburn, Gabe Spandau, and Heather Young were nominated for being eager to collaborate on research projects. Their nominator stated, “They really embody the idea of teamwork and collaboration, by setting aside time in their busy semesters to take on new studies and work towards conference submissions.”
  1. Caroline Barnett, Marissa Cassaway, and Caitlynne Youmans were nominated for volunteering to help design canvas course covers!




We Develop People.
Female student holding gator award
Ashley Johnson (PhD)
  1. Ashley Johnson was nominated for always finding a way to include her fellow peers in class. Her nominated stated, “Ashley has a great way of cultivating enthusiasm and teamwork.”






We Build Relationships.
Man holding gator award
Dr. Pablo Lamino
  1. Brooke Brammer was nominated for going above and beyond to help faculty with their courses and offer different options for them to choose from.
  2. Pablo Lamino was nominated for his efforts in collaborating with universities nationwide.





We Lead with Integrity
Woman holding gator award
Suzanna Browning (PhD)
  1. Suzanna Browning was nominated for her leadership and dedication while working on completing a USDA PDAL grant. Her nominator stated, “Suzanna has worked extremely hard on learning how to write a grant, and her hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed. She has stepped up to every challenge we have faced.”
  2. Richard Chamblin was nominated for her efforts on ensuring a fellowship made it through the contracting process and UFirst system.



Not pictured: Brooke Brammer, Juan Montealegre, Jessica Switzer, Peggy Lowenstein, Richard Chamblin, Caroline Barnett, Marissa Cassaway, and Caitlynne Youmans.


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Posted: September 23, 2024

Category: UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Aec, AECgathering, AttaGator

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