Here’s a sometimes-updated list of journals I use for Free-choice learning and informal (science) education. AKA nonformal education (See my article Stofer, 2015 for more info on these terms) in the Cooperative Extension world. Please share and/or comment with suggestions!
Public Understanding of Science
International Journal of Science Education, Part B
Science communication:
Science Communication
Journal of Science Communication
Visitor Studies
Science Museum Journal
Museums and Social Issues
Journal of Museum Education
Broad Science Education:
Science Education
Journal of Research on Science Teaching
Bridging Neuroscience (theory) and Learning (practical):
Mind, Brain, and Education
Connected Science Learning
National Science Teachers Association: Journals for teaching Children, Middle School, High School, and College Students
Science Educator
The Ag Ed Magazine
Agricultural Education and Extension:
Journal of Agricultural Education
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension
Community Engagement:
Journal of Higher Education and Outreach
Journal of Community Engagement
Environmental Education:
Journal of Environmental Education
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
Environmental Education Research
Experiential Education:
Journal of Experiential Education
Inspired by these lists of Science Education Journals: