Fragrant Prickly Apple: A Rare Plant Found Only in St. Lucie County

Fragrant prickly apple is a very rare plant only found in St. Lucie County. It should not be confused with prickly pear cactus which is commonly found in uplands throughout central and south Florida.

Harrisia fragrans Small ex Britton & Rose
Synonym: Cereus eriophorus Pfeiff. & Otto
var. fragrans (Small ex Britton & Rose) L.D. Benson

Prickly Apple Cactus
Prickly Apple Cactus. Photo credits: K. Gioeli

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Prickly Apple Information (192KB, PDF)



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Posted: February 23, 2021

Tags: Cactus, Prickly Apple Cactus, Rare Plant, St Lucie County