Q: Will you please identify this weed for me?

A: Thanks for bringing me a sample to the plant clinic. The weed is called Brazilian pusley, Richardia brasiliensis. Brazil Pusley is an annual or perennial and looks similar to Florida pusley except it has a very deep, thick root. The thick root may be an excellent place for nematodes to live. Brazilian pusley has a cluster of small white flowers at the top.

In Florida, this plant occurs throughout the state on disturbed sites and roadsides, and in pastures and lawns. It is distributed in the southeastern United States, from southern Texas along the coastal plain to southeastern Virginia. This weed will bloom in almost any month that lacks frost. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fw033


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Posted: July 16, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes
Tags: Brazilian Pusley, Richardia Brasiliensis, Weed

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