Container Gardens for Florida

Container Gardening made easier… Our Environmental Horticulture Agent Nickie Munroe demonstrates how to make container gardens for Florida by providing practical tips to make your container gardening experience enjoyable. Follow the steps below for a successful planting you can adapt to your own preference.

  1. Assemble your materials: soil, water, plants, scissors, and a positive attitude. Start with an almost full pot of soil to nest your plants in.
  2. Set up your very own DIY drip irrigation by reusing water bottles with holes in the bottom. Manage the flow of water by adjusting the seal of the cap with the number and size of holes punched in the bottom.
  3. Organize your plants into the pot. Keep in mind that your plants still have a lot of growing to do. Leave a little space for them to mature and fill up the pot.
  4. Once you have a satisfactory arrangement, start putting your plants into the soil. Remove the biodegradable peat pots from your plants to have a more rapid root engagement with the soil.
  5. Prune roots that are starting to make a circle in the container so they can spread outward to provide a stable anchor and adequately take up water and nutrients.
  6. Add more soil to offer the plants enough growth medium. The plants should be placed at a depth up to their original soil mark. You might have to add soil a few times after your first complete drenching of the pot. This is normal and should be expected.
  7. Water your container garden to fully saturate the all of the soil in the pot. Then you may put one or two of your drip bottles in as an easy low maintenance fix to providing adequate water to your plants as they are established and grow through the season.

Whether your are growing your plants in small containers like this:

or in large raised beds like this…

The same principles apply: Place plants with similar needs into spaces together; give them soil, space, and water to grow. Monitor them for occasional signs of unhappiness. Overall, enjoy them as part of your low maintenance Florida-Friendly Landscape.

If you need assistance with plant selection or how to establish and maintain a container garden, please contact your local Indian River County Florida Master Gardener:

Phone: 772-226-4330 x 1

Address: 1800 27th Street
Building B, 2nd Floor
Vero Beach, FL 32960



Horticulture Agent Nickie Munroe on telephone
Posted: November 22, 2017

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes
Tags: Container Gardens, Horticulture, Indian River, Nickie Munroe