What to Blog About?

Have you ever struggled to come up with topics for your blog posts? No longer! Read on to learn the Top 5 Blog Brainstorming Questions that will make it easy to start writing your next great blog post! Maybe you already know what you want to blog about? That’s amazing! …but don’t browse away just yet. I’ve got great tips on what to blog about next, which incorporate the latest research on what types of blog posts perform better than others…

Blog about…Your Work!

This may be an obvious one, but the first thing to blog about is your work as a UF/IFAS extension agent. You can write about your latest outreach/education efforts or any updates or news you want to share with a global audience. “Why-posts” (which explain a subject and provide a conclusion) and “what-posts” (which provide information on a specific topic or compare one thing to another, ie, myth vs fact) drive a ton of social shares—40.2% according to this study.

Blog about…Listschecklist illustration

Blog readers love lists and they love sharing lists. Lists can help you format your content to be super-digestible. Some examples of lists: favorites, recommendations, checklists, weirdest, things you never knew, places to visit, etc. If you want to make your content easier to consume, breaking it up into smaller parts in a logical way will help—and lists are a great way to achieve that goal!

Blog about…Events

People are always looking for great new events to attend, and they’d love to know more about them. Blogs are a great way to let people know more details about upcoming events, beyond what they would find in a calendar. If you plan to attend an event, write about your experience and if you recommend going to the next one—personal accounts of events are always helpful! If you are going in person, don’t forget to take photos!

Blog about…Videos

Videos make for great blog content! Did you create video content that you’d like to promote with a blog post? Maybe you found a video you’d love to share from the UF/IFAS Youtube channel.

interview onlineBlog about…Interviews / One-on-One’s

Who would your target audience like to get to know better? Set up a quick interview. This is a great way to introduce someone who is new to your department or to learn more about an expert’s work, background, or motivations.

Blog about…How-To or Beginner’s Guide

How-to is also a successful blog category. Consider developing content that you wish you had when you were just beginning in a certain area or perhaps documenting the steps for a project you just accomplished. You may have valuable information that would help a novice get started. Create a “beginner’s guide” for new readers to become comfortable with a subject or process!

Blog about…UF/IFAS Resources

UF/IFAS offers an incredible wealth of resources, including extension websites, sampling services, courses, extension publications, and infographics! When you share a resource, give context to your audience and explain how you use the resource or why you recommend it. Check out the A-Z directory, Entomology and Nematology, CALS, Smart Couples, Animal Sciences and check your emails for announcements sent to UF/IFAS employees for new resources that you may want to include in your blog posts!

Brainstorming Blog Ideas

When you are choosing a blog topic, consider these Top 5 Blog Brainstorming Questions to develop blog ideas:

  1. What do your colleagues want to talk about?
    2. What blog post title would catch your eye?
    3. What blog post would you share on your social media?
    4. What is something inspiring or funny you’d like to read about?
    5. What is a process that you wish you’d had a guide to help you through?


I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and that they help stimulate your blog writing and provide some guidance on which blog formats are shared more often. Your unique voice will shine through no matter which topic you write about!

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Posted: March 17, 2021

Category: Blog Community, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Video, Work & Life
Tags: Blogging

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