SMART Couples

Florida has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation, and stress due to relationship dissolution has been shown to lead to chronic diseases, early mortality, school dropout, substance abuse, incarceration, mental health issues, abuse, and neglect, as well as financial strain, job loss, and other employment-related issues. SMART Couples of Florida is a program of UF/IFAS Extension designed to provide research-based marriage and relationship education for teens, premarital couples, domestic partners, married couples and stepfamilies who might not otherwise have access to marriage and relationship counseling.

Marketing materials for this program created by the UF/IFAS graphics team include a pocket folder, bookmarks, brochures, event/class flyers, generic program flyers, posters, retractable banners and promotional/giveaway items (magnets, pens, stress ball, USB). Digital tools include a website (, a MailChimp newsletter Masthead and four short promotional videos, available on YouTube (

Brochure Side 1

Brochure Side 2


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Posted: April 3, 2017

Category: UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Communications, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Graphics
Tags: Family, Relationship, SMART Couples, UF/IFAS Extension

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