The following questions were submitted for the UF/IFAS unit TERMINALFOUR Webinar. The recorded Webinar is here: http://goo.gl/c4xEgT. To ask other questions contact webteam@ifas.ufl.edu and we will add them to the list. For current updates regarding the UF/IFAS unit status migration to TERMINALFOUR go here: http://goo.gl/EDHhjk. More FAQs about the T4 Conversion University wide can be found here: https://webservices.it.ufl.edu/faqs/.



[toggle title=”1. Will I need Contribute, Dreamweaver, Front-page, or Microsoft Expressions to maintain websites in TERMINALFOUR?“]

No. You can edit your webpage in TerminalFour from your web browser.


[toggle title=”2. I am a non-UF employee can I continue to update a website for UF/IFAS in TERMINALFOUR?“]

You will need a valid gatorlink account to use TERMINALFOUR. Eligibility for a GatorLink account is determined by a person’s relationship to the University as recorded in the UF Directory.

[toggle title=”3. How will WordPress plugins/widgets be handled when moved over to TerminalFour?“]

TERMINALFOUR has its own set of widgets, and much of the functionality provided by WordPress plugins/widgets are included in a generic TERMINALFOUR installation. WordPress plugins/widgets are not transferrable to TERMINALFOUR. Replicating the functionality of WordPress plugins/widgets in TERMINALFOUR may be possible and considered a feature enhancement request.


[toggle title=”4. Will there be TERMINALFOUR training?“]

You can enroll in UF Training for TERMINALFOUR here. UF/IFAS will supplement training provided by UF as needed via webinars and face-to-face meetings.


[toggle title=”5. Is migration to TERMINALFOUR mandatory?“]

Migration to TERMINALFOUR is a university wide initiative. UF/IFAS is onboard with this initiative, requesting all UF/IFAS sites migrate to T4. Once the UF/IFAS migration to TERMINALFOUR is complete, UF/IFAS IT will no longer support WordPress and the UF/IFAS server will be turned off.

UF/IFAS units using WordPress will need to provide an aggressive schedule detailing your move from WordPress to TERMINALFOUR. The following webinar: http://goo.gl/c4xEgT (fast-forward to 0:16:14 on the video) will walk you the process of migrating from your current website state to the TERMINALFOUR system. You can also review FAQ#12.


[toggle title=”6. Has TERMINALFOUR been tested for compatibility with county firewalls? Obviously cannot test all, but have a few been tested?“]

Yes, and works with no problems as of 01/2017.


[toggle title=”7. What is the tentative UF/IFAS migration timeline to TERMINALFOUR?“]

Yes. UF/IFAS as a unit will migrate to TERMINALFOUR in the following tentative order:

  • UF/IFAS Critical Websites – 2014
  • UF/IFAS RECs- EOY 2014
  • UF/IFAS Departments- Early 2015
  • UF/IFAS Extension- Late 2016 – Late 2018
  • UF/IFAS Extension Programs – 2018
  • Other Websites- 2018


[toggle title=”8. When will the Strategic Web Committee for Extension start?“]

A group of Extension Agents met for an Extension Web summit in April 2016. Based on their feedback a UF/IFAS Extension template was built in T4.


[toggle title=”9. Can I customize the TERMINALFOUR template to use my current UF/IFAS website colors and designs?“]

Any questions, comments or requests to change, modify the approved UF/IFAS branding, identity and signature system should be emailed to Ruth Borger, AVP, UF/IFAS Communications: rborger@ufl.edu. Current Web standards are available at: http://ics.ifas.ufl.edu/branding.shtml for UF/IFAS. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”10. What server platforms, databases, web server/application servers, scripting languages are compatible with TERMINALFOUR?“]

Please contact UF/IFAS Web Services at webteam@ifas.ufl.edu.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”11. Will this template be ‘responsive’? In other words, automatically adaptable to multiple screens sizes (Desktops, Tablets, Phones, etc.)?“]

Yes! UF/IFAS T4 templates are both responsive and adaptive.


[toggle title=”12. I am a web maintainer, what should I do while I wait for access to TERMINALFOUR?“]

  1. Clean your web directory (remove broken links and unused files, then update the content on your website).
  2. Fill-out a Website Communication Strategy Form and then contact webteam@ifas.ufl.edu stating that you have completed the form.
  3. Both the point person and decision-maker will attend a meeting with the UF/IFAS web manager. If the point person and decision-maker are not the department head or director, the director or department head will need to attend the initial meeting to discuss the migration and planning of their website to TERMINALFOUR.
  4. After the meeting you will need to fill-out and return a homepage questionnaire. This questionnaire will help you determine your menu structure, sitemap, and layout of your new website into TERMINALFOUR.
  5. Refer to FAQ #4 to download and begin reading the end-user training manual.


[toggle title=”13. Will I be able to add arabic text to the TERMINALFOUR system?“]

Yes, TERMINALFOUR possess a multi-language capability. However, adding or enabling additional language functionality will require additional investigation.


[toggle title=”14. My faculty have permissions to edit their own sections of the website. Will we be able to do this with Terminal 4? Are there any recommendations for individual faculty pages? so wordpress for them?“]

Yes, faculty members will be able to edit pages after completing training. A strong example of a faculty page we plan to start with is here: http://gcrec.ifas.ufl.edu/faculty/deng.shtml. The elements seen in the faculty page example were vetted by a group of faculty members.


[toggle title=”17. Will we be able to use our custom template in T4?“]

No. Custom designs are not allowable within T4. For more information please contact Ruth Borger rborger@ufl.edu.


[toggle title=”18. Multiple faculty and staff members currently have access to edit their own pages of our very large website…Will T4 allow me to restrict access to specific pages for each web maintainer?“]

Yes, you can restrict access to specific pages and specific page elements.


[toggle title=”19. What is the time line for secondary and tertiary pages and subsites?”]

Refer to FAQ# 7 for a specific timeline for UF/IFAS main sites at the root level. After migrating your main website at the root level, it is recommended that you begin migration on secondary and third-tier subsites under the same domain.


[toggle title=”20. Will there be test environment for a department site before live migration?“]

TERMINALFOUR comes with a preview mechanism allowing users to “preview” without “publishing”. In this example, the preview mechanism acts as a pseudo test environment as it relates to testing web elements prior to live launch.


[toggle title=”21. Will the new template have Analytics?“]

Yes, Google Analytics will be used.


[toggle title=”22. Will we have access to the multiple page designs as they are created for other site. Example, number of columns, navigation, etc. Will we have access to a template library to start moving content to?“]

Yes, you will have access to multiple page layouts to individualize your web presence. To determine your page layouts you will need to review and fill-out the forms listed in FAQ#12.


[toggle title=”23. Is use of the UF/IFAS template mandatory?“]

Please contact Ruth Borger, AVP for UF/IFAS Communications: rborger@ufl.edu.


[toggle title=”24. What is a T4 Shell?“]

We are defining a T4 shell as similar to a blank WordPress site where no content has been added. However, your chosen page layout options will be preloaded for you prior to you receiving your T4 shell.


[toggle title=”25. Will the T4 template provide the ability to play video (for instance, from YouTube) similar to what it currently being seen from the UF/IFAS home page?“]

Yes, You can link or embed videos from YouTube.


[toggle title=”26. How do I request my web assessment?“]

Contact webteam@ifas.ufl.edu.



Posted: June 11, 2014

Category: UF/IFAS Webteam, WCMS Updates

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