Hurricane Season runs from June 1st to November 30th

With the 2018 hurricane season upon us again, we want to make sure everyone in Broward County is prepared and ready. Hurricane season runs from June 1 through the end of November.


With memories of Hurricane Irma (2017) in the back of our minds, it is time to re-visit hurricane preparedness plans which include thoughts about whether you will evacuate or remain at home, finding time to discard outdated disaster food supplies and replenish and collect needed new supplies including medications, paper products and cooking supplies.

This plan should include preparedness for you, your family, elderly family members and your pets. Now is the time to verify insurance coverage and policies. Take photos of your home, home contents and store these photos in a safe place.

This is much easier to do now before patio furniture etc. are brought inside during an impending storm. Consider hurricane shutters and/or test existing shutters. Assess plywood needs should you need to purchase. Start stocking up on drinking water while the supply is plentiful.

A written plan with a timeline is helpful. Don’t delay your plan to prepare and ready your home.


Think about the basic items you will need and start picking up those items with a longer shelf life now. Use coupons, as able to save money.

▪ Stock up on food items that do not require any cooking or refrigeration.

▪ Choose foods your family likes and will eat. Don’t forget pet food, too!

▪ Again, buy enough food for three to five days including non-perishable packaged or canned food (include fruit, vegetable and protein sources), whole grain crackers, canned or shelf milk, granola bars, whole grain cereal, and snack foods.

▪ Stock up on bottled water to keep hydrated. Water can take up a lot of space, so have a designated area for water storage.

▪ Manual can opener; Bottle opener; Disinfectant wipes; Trash bags

▪ Paper plates; Paper towels; Paper bowls; Napkins; Plastic utensils


  1. Stay informed. Know your local risk of an impending hurricane. Follow the news and emergency alerts carefully. Replace radio batteries, as needed.
  2. Make your own plans for evacuation and/or sheltering in place.
  3. Know your evacuation zone, the evacuation route, and the location of nearby shelters.
  4. Purchase needed supplies for at least three days. Keep in mind each person’s specific needs, including medication.
  5. Keep important documents organized and in a safe, known place; create password-protected digital copies, if possible.
  6. Review and/or update flood insurance and other insurance documents. You don’t want to be surprised by an expired or out-of-date policy.
  7. As the storm approaches, plan to make and bag your own ice or purchase ice in the event of power outages after the storm.
  8. Clean and sanitize coolers.
  9. Protect your property. Remove debris and clear drains and gutters.


Being prepared well ahead of time allows people to make sound decisions when a storm is approaching rather than panicking and being forced to act quickly.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Take action today!


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Posted: August 13, 2018

Category: Disaster Preparation