Trinidad and Tobago Agriculture Overview

The government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Food Production, Land and Marines Affair 2017 provides an overview of agriculture characteristics and opportunities. Agriculture contributes less than 0.5 percent to gross domestic product and employs an estimated four percent of the population. The agricultural sector has historically been overlooked in favor of extractive industries. Due to T&T colonial history, cocoa, coffee, and sugar were the primary agricultural exports to Europe.

Currently, the Government is prioritizing agriculture as a way to diversify the economy, conserve foreign exchange, increase the country’s food security, and provide sustainable employment opportunities.

The main environmental issues affecting agriculture in T&T are water shortages, disposal of agricultural chemicals, forest fires, soil erosion, and squatters living on forested hillsides. T&T has a significant need for imported meats due to low local production.

T&T has identified emerging agriculture opportunities that include cocoa, honey, citrus, pineapple, mango, papaya, tomatoes, cucumber, pumpkin, okra, hot pepper, tilapia, sheep and goats, and cattle for beef and dairy. For more information go to Trinidad and Tobago Agriculture.


Posted: September 18, 2018

Category: Agriculture, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension

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